Women Learn Skills Building Homes and Friendships, Helping Others with Women Build Program
Instructions on how to become a Women Build team member in Oakland County can be found on the Women Build page on the organization’s website.
Instructions on how to become a Women Build team member in Oakland County can be found on the Women Build page on the organization’s website.
Each Ticket Includes Drinks, Food, BINGO card & Raffle Tickets.
Each Ticket Includes Drinks, Food, BINGO card & Raffle Tickets.
Three scholarships will be granted to women who work as technicians or drivers within the heavy-duty trucking industry, helping them further their careers via continuing education in training facilities
As the holiday season approaches, HAVEN is organizing its annual Gift Giveaway for survivors of intimate partner abuse and sexual assault.
Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed SB 153, the second half of a bipartisan package to repeal the tax on essential menstrual products,
A new memorial at the Village of Holly’s Waterworks Park honors 100 women – from today’s hardworking heroes back though the community’s history.
The Ferndale Downtown Development Authority is delighted to announce the “Ferndale Boss Moms” Campaign.
The first donation in 2021 went to Dutton Farm in Rochester – a non-profit that provides educational and employment opportunities to adults with special needs over the age of 26.
Author Anne Doyle Speaks of “Springboard Moment” for Women (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 10, 2019) Three generations of women have experienced gender stereotypes and inequalities in different ways, and “Powering Up” author Anne Doyle spent a recent Friday morning speaking to a room of female civic leaders and the people who encourage them about how…
Hundreds Line Up for Holly Ladies Night (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 18, 2018) Holly, MI -Over 1,200 ladies lined up in Downtown Holly for the villages Ladies Night Out event. 800 gift bags were given out in the first 20 minutes, and stores along Saginaw Street and Battle Alley gave presents to the women…
Young Ladies Learn about Business and Life from Day Trip to Cambridge Offices (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 12, 2018) Royal Oak, Ferndale, Southfield, Washington Twp, MI- When you ask some kids what they want to do when they get older, some will pipe right away up with an answer. For example, Janese James wants…
Four Stories of Service from the 2018 WONder Woman Awards (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 27, 2018) Troy, MI- The first column Rochelle Riley ever wrote was for the Courier-Journal newspaper in Louisville, KY. In it she called out city leaders for failing to honor hometown icon Muhammad Ali by letting his boyhood home deteriorate and…
Female Leaders Share Advice at Lathrup Village Luncheon (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 10, 2018) Lathrup Village, MI- Lathrup Village Councilperson Donna Stallings urged women to be “BOLD.” “Bend but don’t break. Own our power. Be a Legacy Leader. And Dominate whatever your calling is,” she said. Stallings was part of a luncheon panel on Friday…
MML #3: Sixteen Percent of City Managers are Women, 16/50 Project Aims for Increase (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 3, 2018) Lansing, Ferndale, Northville, Huntington Woods, MI- In spite of being 50% of the population, women make up only 16% of those in City/Village Manager positions. At their recent Capital Conference, the Michigan Municipal League…
MML #3: Sixteen Percent of City Managers are Women, 16/50 Project Aims for Increase (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 3, 2018) Lansing, Ferndale, Northville, Huntington Woods, MI- In spite of being 50% of the population, women make up only 16% of those in City/Village Manager positions. At their recent Capital Conference, the Michigan Municipal League…
Persistence of the Imagination Art Reception at Ferndale Library Feb. 22 FERNDALE, MI- Harkening the end of winter and ushering in Women’s History Month, “The Persistence of the Imagination” is a celebration of feminine courage and endurance, hosted at the Ferndale Library, Feb 11 – March 31. This exhibition brings together intuitive paintings and assemblage…
Persistence of the Imagination Art Reception at Ferndale Library Feb. 22 FERNDALE, MI- Harkening the end of winter and ushering in Women’s History Month, “The Persistence of the Imagination” is a celebration of feminine courage and endurance, hosted at the Ferndale Library, Feb 11 – March 31. This exhibition brings together intuitive paintings and assemblage…
Knitting Circle Combines Crafting, Learning & Funding Feminist Causes (Leslie Ellis, Jan. 21, 2018) Ferndale, MI – Members of the Ladies Knitting Circle and Resistance League kept their eyes on their needles and their ears on their guest speaker during their most recent knitting night. Re-energized by the country’s current political climate and ready to…
Knitting Circle Combines Crafting, Learning & Funding Feminist Causes (Leslie Ellis, Jan. 21, 2018) Ferndale, MI – Members of the Ladies Knitting Circle and Resistance League kept their eyes on their needles and their ears on their guest speaker during their most recent knitting night. Re-energized by the country’s current political climate and ready to…