Performance-Based Lecture on Underground Railroad at West Bloomfield Library Feb. 22

Performance-Based Lecture on Underground Railroad at West Bloomfield Library Feb. 22 (Press Release, Feb.14, 2015) Historian and former Pontiac Mayor Dr. Willie W. Payne highlight the southern fugitive slave’s struggle to escape captivity and Michigan abolitionists and free Blacks that assisted them via the Underground Railroad. He uses music, song and photos of local Underground…

Performance-Based Lecture on Underground Railroad at West Bloomfield Library Feb. 22

Performance-Based Lecture on Underground Railroad at West Bloomfield Library Feb. 22 (Press Release, Feb.14, 2015) Historian and former Pontiac Mayor Dr. Willie W. Payne highlight the southern fugitive slave’s struggle to escape captivity and Michigan abolitionists and free Blacks that assisted them via the Underground Railroad. He uses music, song and photos of local Underground…