2018 Candidate Interview: Jocelyn Benson for Secretary of State

2018 Candidate Interview: Jocelyn Benson for Secretary of State (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 3, 2018) Lansing, MI- Jocelyn Benson is running as the Democratic candidate for Michigan Secretary of State in the Nov. 6, 2018 election. Also on the ballot are Republican Mary Treder Land, Libertarian Gregory (Greg) Stempfle, and US Taxpayer Party Robert Gale.…

How’d Your Community Do? Voter Turnout Rates Throughout Oakland County

How’d Your Community Do? Voter Turnout Rates Throughout Oakland County (Kurt Metzger, Crystal Proxmire, Aug. 8, 2018) Oakland County, MI- The numbers are in for the Aug. 7, 2018 Primary Election, and data guru Kurt Metzger has compiled a list of communities ranked by voter turnout percentages. Huntington Woods took the top spot Tuesday, with…