Women Learn Skills Building Homes and Friendships, Helping Others with Women Build Program
Instructions on how to become a Women Build team member in Oakland County can be found on the Women Build page on the organization’s website.
Instructions on how to become a Women Build team member in Oakland County can be found on the Women Build page on the organization’s website.
“There’s no other feeling in the world like helping someone in need when they can’t do it themselves,” Hart said.
The items are hung on a railing coated with colorful crochet, and people are welcome to take what they need.
“If we want to have a say in shaping our communities it’s important to play a part in that.”
Experience in Serbia Inspired Oakland Literacy Council Volunteer to Help Others Learn English (Oakland Literacy Council, April 15, 2019) Check out our “Get Involved Guide” for more stories about local organizations. Thank you to Bosco Lounge for sponsoring this series. Want to contribute a write up of a group you care about? Message editor@oc115.com with…
Expo Shows Residents Many Ways to Get Involved in Ferndale (Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 1, 2018) Ferndale, MI – “I like being on the board. Being involved we help create the Ferndale that we want,” said John Hardy who sits on the city’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. He and fellow board member Emily Obert…
Community Cleanup Helps Keep Ferndale Fabulous (Jonathan A. Berz, May 21, 2017) The 6th annual “Clean the Ferndale Up!” volunteer meetup occurred last Saturday, May 20th, where Ferndalians of all ages gathered for a morning marathon of springtime sprucing. The event began outside Ferndale City Hall with a pep rally and group photo shoot. Volunteers…
Boys and Girls Club Shows Success and Need at Annual Dinner (Crystal A. Proxmire, March 6, 2017) Royal Oak, MI – When the Boys and Girls Club of Oakland and Macomb Counties has their annual dinner, they have an interesting tradition of placing two of the youth at each table with the various adults who…
Boys & Girls Clubs Looking for Volunteer Tutors (Alissa Malerman, Feb. 14, 2017) Ferndale, Royal Oak, and Southfield, MI – Looking for a way to share the love this Valentine’s Day? The Boys & Girls Club says becoming a volunteer tutor for Ferndale students is a great way to give a heartfelt gift that will…
Guest Blog: Getting Millennials Interested in Local Government (Samantha Audia, Michigan Municipal League, May 1, 2016) While attending the League’s Capital Conference last month, I had the pleasure of sharing breakfast with local officials from Hazel Park, all of whom took a moment to update me on the new and exciting things happening this year…
Community Support Fuels Holly Youth Assistance Successes (Crystal A. Proxmire, March 6, 2016) Holly, MI – Through Holly Area Youth Assistance, grownups in the community are able to help give kids experiences in summer camp, scholarships for their education, classes for parents, funds professional counseling for families , and providing food for children in low…
Guest Blog: Life-Changing Experience of Hosting an Exchange Student (Paul Johnson, March 1, 2016) Ferndale, MI – Major life changes happen in a lot of different ways, buying your first house, marriage, having kids, mine happened when I decided to host a high school exchange student from Spain for a year. Single gay men don’t…
Over 200 Baskets Made for HP Schools Families (C. Proxmire, Dec. 13, 2015) Hazel Park, MI – The Hazel Park Schools community came together this week for the annual holiday basket program. For over 30 years folks have been donating food, toys and winter -wear to families in need. This year over 200 care packages…
Fire Chief Kevin Sullivan hopes to get about 30 volunteers to start. An initial organizational meeting will be held on Saturday, Jan. 14 at the Fire Station 1 (1635 Livernois) at 10 am.
I would encourage anyone who is interested in either the DIY Street Fair or joining the Ferndale Time Bank to look into volunteering during the event.
The Ferndale TimeBank has been busy signing up new members and banking hours that can be traded for some exciting new offers for services! Monthly meetings continue, and a Lunch and Learn session is planned for November 20th. (read more)