Lane Closures Near Great Lakes Crossing Continue, RCOC Suggests Joslyn Road Exit

  Lane Closures Near Great Lakes Crossing Continue, RCOC Suggests Joslyn Road Exit (Road Commission for Oakland County, Nov. 21, 2018) Orion Township, MI — The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) construction work on Baldwin Road from just north of Brown Road to Gregory Road in Orion Township will continue until late fall, which…

Cities Pitch Dream Development Spots in Oakland County Property Showcase

Cities Pitch Dream Development Spots in Oakland County Property Showcase (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 14, 2018) Waterford, MI- Cities in the Oakland County One Stop Ready program have streamlined development processes and learned more about how to market the spaces they have with businesses they’d like to see. The culmination of this effort is the…

Oakland County Commissioners Approve Funding for Pothole Repairs

Oakland County  Commissioners Approve Funding for Pothole Repairs (OCBOC, March 8, 2018) Pontiac, Mich. – Michigan winters always take a heavy toll on area roads and this year was no exception, leaving Oakland County drivers facing dangerous and damaging potholes. To address the most urgent road repair needs, the Board of Commissioners (BOC) has authorized…

Pontiac Council Declines Letting Voters Decide on Road Funding

Pontiac Council Declines Letting Voters Decide on Road Funding (Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 29, 2015) The roads in Pontiac are in far from ideal condition, but the option to raise taxes to fix them won’t go on the ballot in the near future. A ballot proposal was presented to Pontiac City Council at the Jan.…