Protestors in Ferndale Oppose President’s State of Emergency, Border Wall

Protestors in Ferndale Oppose President’s State of Emergency, Border Wall (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 18, 2019) Ferndale, MI – As part of protests held around the country Monday, over fifty people gathered at Nine Mile and Woodward in Downtown Ferndale with signs and chats opposing President Donald Trump’s declaration of a state of emergency at…

Hundreds Gather in Ferndale to Stand up for Love, Share Ideas

Hundreds Gather in Ferndale to Stand up for Love, Share Ideas (Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 14, 2017) Ferndale, MI – Over 500 people packed the First United Methodist Church of Ferndale and the lawn in front overlooking Woodward Ave. Sunday evening to share a message of love and justice following violence in Charlottesville, VA connected…

Call for Transparency Draws Protestors to Farmington

Call for Transparency Draws Protestors to Farmington (CP Proxmire, April 16, 2017) Farmington, MI – Over 350 protestors, plus some counter-protestors, converged on Riley Park in Farmington Saturday in a Tax Day demonstration calling for transparency in State and Federal government. Many sign holders called for President Donald Trump to release his tax returns. State…

Demonstrations Show Support for Refugees and Immigrants

Demonstrations Show Support for Refugees and Immigrants (Leslie Ellis, Jan. 29, 2017) Hamtramck and Detroit, MI  – Shouts of “No hate! No fear! Refugees are welcome here!” rang out Sunday in Hamtramck and at Detroit Metropolitan Airport as thousands of people protested President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on refugees and immigrants from seven mainly…

Ferndale: 13th Anniversary of Peace Rally to Include Diversity Messages Dec. 21

Ferndale: 13th Anniversary of Edit Edit visibilityPeace Rally to Include Diversity Messages Dec. 21 (EVENT page, DAPNJ) Ferndale, MI – At last week’s Detroit Area Peace with Justice Network (DAPJN) meeting it was decided to hold a rally in support of refugees, our Muslim neighbors, and democracy itself. The best time for this was Monday…

Ferndale Residents Among Thousands at Lansing Protest

The bill makes it harder for workers to organize and fight for workplace rights. Unions represent workers in negotiations with employers and in disputes between employees and their bosses. They also negotiate contracts with employers, establishing employee wages and benefits. And they protect workers from being fired without good cause. They are funded by dues paid by union members, which are often a condition of employment…