Switch-a-roo: Coulter & Covey…

Leadership in the City of Ferndale has taken an interesting twist. Craig Covey (former Mayor, now County Commissioner) has seemingly switched spots with Dave Coulter (former County Commissioner, just appointed Mayor). The switch-a-roo, which came about after a series of steps that could not have been planned if they tried, is only one of many coincidences in the lives of these two community leaders.

Tools of the Trade in the Ferndale Fire Department

When Dennis Warrilow began working at the Ferndale Fire Department nearly 25 years ago, some of the equipment for rescuing people and putting out fires was not as advanced as it is today. But yet, many of the tools of the firefighter’s trade are basics that have saved lives for over a hundred years. At the FPD they use a combination of old school gear, new technology, manpower and a whole lot of water to keep homes and people safe.

Ice Cream and Comedy Drive Away the Blues

The smiles on the kids faces gobbling down cups of free ice cream were almost as big as the one on PJ Jacokes the day he was presented with his prize for the Edy’s Ice Cream “A Taste of Recovery” Contest. Jacokes’ essay on the importance of making people laugh even in hard times earned him the honor of being the official spokesperson for Edy’s newest summer flavor “Red, White and No More Blues.” Official Edy’s Taster John Harrison and his team flew out…