Survey About Food Access Launched for Oakland County Residents

Survey About Food Access Launched for Oakland County Residents (OCFPC, Feb. 2, 208) The Oakland County Food Policy Council (OCFPC) has launched a county-wide Food System Assessment Survey to gather information about ​healthy eating habits in Oakland County.  The results from this survey will be used to inform a plan to improve access to healthy food…

HUD Report Looks at Homelessness Decline in Michigan, Nationwide Stats

HUD Report Looks at Homelessness Decline in Michigan, Nationwide Stats CHICAGO –  Homelessness declined in Michigan according to the latest national estimate by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  While overall homelessness slightly increased nationally, HUD’s 2017 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress found the follow regarding homelessness across Michigan: In Michigan,…

FernCare Receives Metro Health Foundation Grant

FernCare Receives Metro Health Foundation Grant (FernCare Free Health Clinic, June 25, 2016) The Metro Health Foundation has awarded FernCare a one year grant of $9,000.00 to support enrollment assistance in either the Affordable Care Act Insurance Exchange or Healthy Michigan/Medicaid. This assistance will be offered, not only to FernCare patients, but to anyone in…