Developer Considering Business Hotel in Downtown Ferndale
The Ferlito Group is considering the 1111 W. 9 Mile site, and presented only preliminary concepts to the commission for feedback before investing in more in-depth plans.
The Ferlito Group is considering the 1111 W. 9 Mile site, and presented only preliminary concepts to the commission for feedback before investing in more in-depth plans.
Ferndale Planning Commission Sees First Round of Baker College Options (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 20, 2019) Ferndale, MI –Baker College presented initial design concepts for a potential new campus during the Ferndale Planning Commission’s Wednesday night meeting, with discussion lasting more than three and a half hours, and about 100 residents attending. Baker College and…
Drayton Lofts Coming Back to Ferndale Planning Commission with Revised Plans (Crystal A. Proxmire Sept. 18, 2018) Ferndale, MI – A company seeking to convert the former Drayton Avenue Presbyterian Church into apartments will go before the Ferndale Planning Commission Wednesday with revisions to their concept in hopes of securing a zoning change. The 2.46…
Village of Holly Seeks Volunteers for Planning Commission (Village of Holly, Oct. 21, 2016) Holly, MI – The Village of Holly is currently seeking volunteers to serve on our Village Planning Commission. The Planning Commission meets once per month on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Village Council Chambers located…