Tiles Made by Many Come Together for Mural in Rochester Hills
The mural is 4.5 feet high and 20 feet wide and was unveiled July 12 at Thelma G. Spencer Park, 3701 John R. Road.
The mural is 4.5 feet high and 20 feet wide and was unveiled July 12 at Thelma G. Spencer Park, 3701 John R. Road.
Enjoy the pictures below and consider your own Detroit People Mover Tour, as well as taking time to…
Oak Park is “a city that isn’t afraid to try new concepts, think outside the box and simply just go for it!” she said. “We have a lot to be proud of Oak Park!”
In addition to the Playful Dragon, the park features a short pathway around the perimeter with a story on signs written and designed by Advanced Placement Students at Lake Orion High School.
Royal Oak Art Explored Program Accepting Applications for Public Art Pieces (Royal Oak Commission for the Arts, Feb. 24, 2019) Royal Oak, MI – The Royal Oak Commission for the Arts is excited to announce the 2019 Call for Artist for the Art Explored Program. Artists can find further information at www.romi.gov/arts. Artist have until…
Artober Transforms Hazel Park into Shining Spot for Art and Culture (Cheryl Weiss, Oct. 15, 2017) Hazel Park, MI – The Hazel Park Arts Council has transformed the month of October into “Artober”. Twenty artists have their work on display at twenty-two locations around the city “for residents and visitors to experience art in a…
Harvest Party at Good Neighbor Garden in Ferndale Oct. 8 (EVENT page) Ferndale, MI – Harvest Party at Good Neighbor Garden Oct. 8 11am to 2pm Join us for our annual Harvest Party! This year promises to be the biggest and most fun ever with crafts, workshops, games, and free gifts (while supplies last).…
–MML #6 – State Helps Communities Become Redevelopment Ready (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 29, 2016) Mackinac Island, MI – Change in communities happens in one of two ways, either with thoughtful planning or by chaos. Across the state there are communities on the cusp of recovering from the recession of the past decade, and those…
Oak Park Blossoms with Sunflowers (Cheryl Weiss, Crystal Proxmire, Aug. 4, 2016) Oak Park, MI – Oak Park is blooming this summer! If you walk, ride, or drive through almost any area of the city, you are greeted with spectacular sunflowers in what has become a beautiful community project built on hope and happiness. It…
MML #5: Making the Economic Case for Place (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 4, 2016) Lansing, MI – What do communities need to thrive? This is the question explored in depth by The Michigan Municipal League and Public Sector Consultants in 2015. They came up with eight elements of prosperous communities, and explored what research had…