OC Restaurant Quest: 313 Pizza Bar in Lake Orion
313 Pizza Bar is located at 37 East Flint Street in Downtown Lake Orion. Dine in or order online at https://www.313pizza-bar.com.
313 Pizza Bar is located at 37 East Flint Street in Downtown Lake Orion. Dine in or order online at https://www.313pizza-bar.com.
The bright new space gives them plenty of room to create their fabulous pizzas, including the Bacon Cheeseburger.
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
In this luncheon there were a few different topics that were discussed with the main presentations being by…
Visitors can select the video for the community they would like to see win.
…they also wanted to improve safety with a wider circle of light on the sidewalks, with less light intruding upwards into neighboring apartments.
This 15 min. study will help us understand your priorities and funding preferences.
US Senator Debbie Stabenow has a number of topics on her mind as she represents Michiganders in Washington DC.
Resident and visitors have even more to love in Orion Township as the Parks and Recreation Department announces the completion of two exciting projects…
In Orion Township there are 55 active Home Owners Associations and 10 Lake Association group, and each year representatives from those groups are invited…
Emma Laviolette and Madison Loken have turned their interest in sign language, something that a local teacher encouraged them to explore, into a full on passion project…
This section of Bald Mountain Road carries approximately 390 vehicles per day.
Monopoly was the theme for Wednesday morning’s State of Orion Township address.
From there he built a career – not just one that satisfied his own creativity, but one that’s helped countless others as well.
A list of new locations for classes and events is posted on the Orion Township website.
The Orion Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved Matt Pfeiffer to fill the vacancy left by Kim Urbanowski when she resigned…
This project will improve road surface conditions, re-establish connectivity, deliver reliability, and promote regional economic growth.
All applicants must be registered voters in the Charter Township of Orion, 18 years of age, a U.S. Citizen, and live in the Township for at least 30 days prior to appointment.
Kimberly Urbanowski was appointed to the position of Orion Township Trustee for a partial term ending in 2024.
With the election of Donni Steele to State Representative, there is an opening on the Orion Township Board for a Treasurer to fill the remainder of her term.