150 Narcan Kits Donated to Help Prevent Heroin Deaths

150 Narcan Kits Donated to Help Prevent Heroin Deaths (OCCMHA Press Release, Nov. 6, 2015) Training, treatment, and intervention are all part of the strategy to equip and prepare Oakland County deputies in the ongoing campaign against opioid misuse and heroin overdoses. This collaborative effort is being spearheaded by Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority…

Sixth Narcan Save This Year for Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept.

Sixth Narcan Save This Year for Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, June 19, 2015) INCIDENT:  20:40 hrs. – June 16, 2015 – Highland Township – Overdose / Narcan Administered. #15-93239 SUMMARY:  Highland Township deputies were dispatched to the 1700 block of Valley Drive for the report of a female that had overdosed…

Narcan Used to Revive Passenger in Suspected Heroin-Related Crash

Narcan Used to Revive Passenger in Suspected Heroin-Related Crash (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, May 26, 2015) INCIDENT: 11:10 hrs. –May 18, 2015– City of Pontiac – Property Damage Accident / Operating While in the Presence of Drugs (OWPD) / Narcan Administered   #15-74954 SUMMARY: Deputies responded to the intersection of Perry and Giddings for a traffic…