Candidate Interviews – Oak Park
Voters in Oak Park will have the opportunity to vote for Mayor plus two city council people in the Nov. 7, 2023 election.
Voters in Oak Park will have the opportunity to vote for Mayor plus two city council people in the Nov. 7, 2023 election.
For all interviews visit our Candidate Interview Page. New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
For all interviews visit our Candidate Interview Page. New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Former State Representative Tim Greimel announced today, in a press conference at Elam Barber Shop, that he is running for Mayor of Pontiac.
Ryan Lare is running for Mayor of South Lyon on the Nov. 5, 2019 ballot.
Local Officials and Admins Gather in Lansing for Michigan Municipal League Capital Conference (C. Proxmire, March 21, 2019) Lansing, MI- Officials and city administrators from across the state gathered in Lansing this week for the Michigan Municipal League Capital Conference. MML provides educational and networking opportunities, including classes on topics that are important to local…
2018 Candidate Interview: Steve Percival for Mayor of Clarkston (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 13, 2018) Clarkston, MI- Clarkston Mayor Steve (Steven) Percival is running for re-election. Also on the ballot is Eric Haven. This is a non-partisan position with a two year term. Election Day is Nov. 6, 2018. Check out the interview with…
Adversaries Fueled Success of New Lathrup Village Mayor Kelly Garrett (Susanna Borgett, Dec. 20, 2017) Lathrup Village, MI – Lathrup Village’s Mayor Kelly Garrett, the first African American to hold the seat, said it was her adversaries actions that set the stage for the council to vote her in as mayor last month. While Garrett…
2017 Candidate Interview: Farmington Mayor Bill Galvin (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 11, 2017) Farmington, MI – Farmington Mayor Bill Galvin is running for re-election to the City Council. In Farmington all candidates run as Council members and then the Mayor is selected by Council at the beginning of the term. There are five candidates for…
2017 Candidate Interviews & Issues (check for updates) Oakland County, MI- The Oakland County Times has a tradition of doing video interviews with candidates for local office. Several communities have local elections on Nov. 7, 2017 and we’re working hard to interview as many local candidates as possible. We do not endorse any candidate and…
2017 Candidate Interviews & Issues (check for updates) Oakland County, MI- The Oakland County Times has a tradition of doing video interviews with candidates for local office. Several communities have local elections on Nov. 7, 2017 and we’re working hard to interview as many local candidates as possible. We do not endorse any candidate and…
What do Low Voter Turnout Numbers Mean for Democracy? (Kurt Metzger, Sept. 1, 2016) Pleasant Ridge, MI – Does anyone care about Voter Turnout any more – especially in the primaries? While it is my hope (though I have grave doubts, especially with primary turnout) that voters realize how often primaries determine most…
Oak Park: What’s on Your Ballot? (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 27, 2015) Election Day is Nov. 3, 2015 and voters in Oak Park will have a couple of choices on the ballot. Current Mayor Marian McClellan is being challenged by Aaron Tobin. Both candidates did interviews with the Oakland County 115 News. Tobin also made…
Paczkowski, Robert J. “Bob”, 86, a longtime resident and former Mayor of Ferndale, died Sunday, November 25, 2012 in Waterford.
Mayor Dave Coulter visited the Ferndale Seniors on Oct 24, where he gave them an update on what’s going on around town.
Citizens for Fair Ferndale hosted a forum on Oct. 23, 2011 for the upcoming Nov. 8 elections. Current Mayor Dave Coulter and Ray Willis are running for the Mayor position.
Over 60 senior citizens turned out for the October 12, 2011 Ferndale Seniors Candidate Meet and Greet, held at the Kulick Community Center (1201 Livernois). The candidates were given five minutes each to speak, and then got to answer questions and enjoy cake with some of Ferndale’s most long-standing residents.
Announcement of Mayor’s Reception Tonight
(Dave Coulter, in-coming Mayor of Ferndale, 2/14/2011)
At the council meeting of Jan. 10, 2011, the Ferndale City Council considered the applications of twelve individuals and selected three to interview for the position of Mayor, which is open since former Mayor Craig Covey became elected to County Commission and had to resign the post.
October 27, 2010 is a big one for The Ferndale Seniors. First they’ll be getting a visit from Mayor Craig Covey, at the annual Senior Town Hall Meeting at 11am at the Kulick Center (1201 Livernois). Then in the evening they will be celebrating the launch of their first ever Ferndale Seniors Cookbook with a Taste Fest from 5:00pm to 7:00pm, at the Ferndale Public Library (222 E. 9 Mile)…(read more)