Suspect Charged with Stealing Mail in Troy, Found with Credit Cards and Checks
Howard was charged with multiple counts of Receiving and Concealing Property, Possession of Stolen Financial Transaction Devices and a license violation.
Howard was charged with multiple counts of Receiving and Concealing Property, Possession of Stolen Financial Transaction Devices and a license violation.
Special Sendoff for Retiring Ferndale Mail Carrier (Cheryl Weiss, Jan. 9, 2018) Ferndale, MI – Brightly colored signs with congratulatory messages along with pictures of mail trucks and mailboxes dotted West Drayton Avenue and other nearby streets in Ferndale throughout December in a special sendoff to retiring mail carrier Sharisse Jones. After nearly 32 years…
US Postal Service Raising Shipping Rates, Service Fees (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 30, 2015) Washington, DC – The price of first class stamps will stay the same, but the costs of shipping and other services offered though the United States Postal Service (USPS) are going up. The increases, approved in October, begin Jan. 17, 2016.…
Holiday Card Design Contest for FernCare – Deadline Nov. 13 (FernCare Press Release, Oct. 10, 2015) Feeling artistic? Yearning for the Holidays? How about a $25 gift certificate to one of Ferndale’s restaurants? FernCare is having a contest to design our 2015 Holiday card. The rules are short and sweet – only 4 of…
Moore began with an overview of the current financial situation of the USPS. First, he stated for those who were unaware of the fact that the USPS receives no tax dollars but must generate revenue to keep itself in business. He then proceeded with some statistics:
Ferndale Post Office Sets Public Meeting to Discuss Potential Closing (Crystal A. Proxmire, 9/23/2011) Postal customers in Ferndale are receiving notices of a Community Meeting with the USPS (United States Postal Service) to discuss the potential closing of their Ferndale location at 22681 Woodward Ave. The meeting will be held at the Kulick…