Car Insurance, Hiring Felons, Income Tax and More Discussed with Ferndale Seniors

Car Insurance, Hiring Felons, Income Tax and More Discussed with Ferndale Seniors (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 25, 2017) Ferndale, MI – On a day where the Legislature was on Spring Break, State Representative Robert Wittenberg was still working, taking time to visit with constituents of the 27th District.  The Ferndale Seniors group welcomed him as…

Karen Twomey on Education Legislation

Unfortunately the planned legislation does not end here. Early in the next year I will be asking for your help again as Lansing will be considering a draft bill replacement for the School Aid Act. The Oxford Foundation has released a draft bill for consideration most likely around February. This bill will completely replace the School Aid Act and rewrite the way we fund public education by creating a public voucher system.