Water Rate Increase to Help Fund Infrastructure Improvements in Ferndale
While increases are never welcome, the reason for it is essential: to maintain and make planned improvements to the City’s water system.
While increases are never welcome, the reason for it is essential: to maintain and make planned improvements to the City’s water system.
County Democrats Propose Fund to Help Schools Test for Lead in Water System (Oakland County Democrats, May 19, 2016) Oakland County, MI – Yesterday, Oakland County Commissioner Dave Woodward (D-Royal Oak) announced a plan to introduce a proposal to fund lead and copper testing of county schools and childcare centers (including day cares, preschools,…
Hazel Park School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 27, 2016) Hazel Park, MI – As they see the images of children in Flint lined up to get bottled water or crying over blood tests, people around the country have been wondering about the safety of the water they and their…
Novi Community School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 27, 2016) Novi, MI – As they see the images of children in Flint lined up to get bottled water or crying over blood tests, people around the country have been wondering about the safety of the water they and their families…
Guest View: Tears from #FerndaletoFlint (Darren Bolsby, Jan. 30, 2016) Flint, MI – There are no words for the emotional roller coaster that played out today. People from all over Ferndale, and all over other communities as well, have been collecting water to take to the people of Flint whose water is unusable due to…