Fmr. OCC Chancellor Timothy Meyer Appointed to Development Deputy for Oakland County

Former OCC Chancellor Timothy Meyer Appointed to Development Deputy for Oakland County (Oakland County Executive, Feb. 28, 2018) Pontiac, MI. – The former chancellor of Oakland Community College (OCC) will serve as Oakland County’s top economic development official beginning March 5. County Executive L. Brooks Patterson has appointed Dr. Timothy R. Meyer as deputy county…

Fmr. OCC Chancellor Timothy Meyer Appointed to Development Deputy for Oakland County

Former OCC Chancellor Timothy Meyer Appointed to Development Deputy for Oakland County (Oakland County Executive, Feb. 28, 2018) Pontiac, MI. – The former chancellor of Oakland Community College (OCC) will serve as Oakland County’s top economic development official beginning March 5. County Executive L. Brooks Patterson has appointed Dr. Timothy R. Meyer as deputy county…

Groups Can Apply for Active Lifestyle Minigrants…

Groups Can Apply for Active Lifestyle Minigrants through Brooksie Way (Brooksie Way, Feb. 18, 2018) ROCHESTER, MI – Not-for-profit organizations and community groups whose programming is designed to promote active lifestyles for Oakland County residents have until March 9 to apply for a Brooksie Way Minigrant. The program has helped support nearly 150 projects throughout…

Groups Can Apply for Active Lifestyle Minigrants…

Groups Can Apply for Active Lifestyle Minigrants through Brooksie Way (Brooksie Way, Feb. 18, 2018) ROCHESTER, MI – Not-for-profit organizations and community groups whose programming is designed to promote active lifestyles for Oakland County residents have until March 9 to apply for a Brooksie Way Minigrant. The program has helped support nearly 150 projects throughout…