Oakland County Loses Population for Second Year in a Row
2022’s estimate of 1,269,431 is almost 5,000 less than the 2020 Census count.
2022’s estimate of 1,269,431 is almost 5,000 less than the 2020 Census count.
The count is tied to federal funding that helps pay for permanent supportive housing, rapid rehousing and transitional housing.
Without continued in-migration – both domestic and international – of younger residents, natural increase will remain low and population growth will be rather small
Only 5 communities experienced an increase in turnout over 2018 – Novi twp. (9.1 percentage points), Clarkston, South Lyon, Addison Township and Huntington Woods.
”Voters who already have an absentee ballot should hand-deliver it as soon as possible to their clerk’s office or ballot drop box to avoid postal delays.”
The Oakland County dog license database contains 2,893 records for dogs living in ZIP Codes 48359, 60, 61, and 62.
A Look at the Data: Housing Types and Home Ownership Rates Across Oakland County pt 3: Populations up to 9,999 (Kurt Metzger, Aug. 9, 2022) Oakland County, MI – Housing is an essential element of community development. It impacts residents and governments, property values, local revenues, public services, and community stability. An examination of housing…
The only three communities that improved their turnouts were Rose, Addison and Milford townships.
In order to best understand the AGE REVERSAL that has occurred over this period, allow me to present the most obvious distinctions.
This article examines housing in communities with populations between 10,000 and 19,999.
For more stories about the Census and other interesting numbers, visit the Data-Base Stories Archives on Oakland County Times. Thanks to Data Expert Kurt Metzger for this work!
In comparing federal tax returns from year to year, IRS can determine who moved and where.
New data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) show that 12,899 babies were born to residents of Oakland County in 2019.
Over two-thirds (77.0 percent) of the requested ballots were returned, and these returned ballots represented 70.8 percent of the total votes cast.
Data Shows Population Shifts to and from Oakland County (Kurt Metzger, Dec. 27, 2017) Oakland County, MI – Population change in any geographic area, be it city, township, county or state, is comprised of four primary components – Births and Deaths (combining to create Natural Increase), Immigration and Domestic Migration (combining to create Net Migration).…
Oakland County Population Grows, but is Passed by Franklin County, Ohio – Home of the Buckeyes (Kurt Metzger, March 25, 2016) The Census Bureau released new July 1, 2015 county population estimates today. While Oakland County experienced the 5th straight year of population growth this decade, the 2014-2015 growth was the smallest of the five,…
The Future of Ferndale Discussed at Master Plan Open House (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 11, 2016) Ferndale, MI – The city of Ferndale put all their ideas on the table, literally, for the Master Plan Open House on Feb. 6. The event, held at the Rust Belt Market, welcomed residents and visitors to share their…
Guest View: Data-Based Look at Straight Ticket Voting in Michigan (Kurt Metzger and Phil Lombard, Dec. 17, 2015) The Michigan State Senate recently passed Senate Bill 13, which does away with straight party ticket voting. All Republicans but two voted for it and all Democrats voted against it. It is unclear why the legislation is…