Pleasant Ridge & Ferndale Evaluating Walking and Biking on Woodward, Survey Available

Pleasant Ridge & Ferndale Evaluating Walking and Biking on Woodward, Survey Available (City of Ferndale, City of Pleasant Ridge, March 30, 2019) How is the experience of walking and biking along Woodward Ave.? That’s precisely what the Cities of Ferndale and Pleasant Ridge aim to find out with a new grant-funded safety audit. The cities…

Bicycling Lecture’s Advice on Safety, Law, Clothing, Maintenance and More

Bicycling Lecture’s Advice on Safety, Law, Clothing, Maintenance and More (Sam Gurwin, June 8, 2018) Ferndale, MI – “Tiger Lily”, a vintage road bicycle from the 80’s, sat against the wall at the Ferndale Area District Library, ready to be displayed during local bicycling expert Meredith Begin’s class on Bicycling Education. This “Bicycling 101” class…

Bloomer Park’s Velodrome Gives Cyclists a Place to Train and Race

Bloomer Park’s Velodrome Gives Cyclists a Place to Train and Race (Sam Gurwin, Aug. 8, 20170 Rochester Hills, MI – Velodrome you say? A bicyclist race & training paradise I say! From the ashes of the Dorais Velodrome in Detroit emerged the shiny new INTERNATIONAL VELODROME AT BLOOMER PARK (IVBP) in Rochester Hills, Michigan. The…

Green Cruise is Aug 11

The Annual Sierra Club Green Cruise takes place on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012 with a variety of mass bicycle rides to choose from. The Green Alley is the grand finish line where bicyclists and other visitors can enjoy samples of healthy foods and talk to various vendors. There is a Green Parade celebrating human-powered modes of transportation, and there are often unusual costumes, bicycle decorations and unique pedal-powered contraptions.