Data Shows Birth Rates Back on the Rise in Oakland County
Without continued in-migration – both domestic and international – of younger residents, natural increase will remain low and population growth will be rather small
Without continued in-migration – both domestic and international – of younger residents, natural increase will remain low and population growth will be rather small
New data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) show that 12,899 babies were born to residents of Oakland County in 2019.
Diaper Drive in Berkley to Support Judson Center (City of Berkley, Dec. 5, 2017) Berkley, MI – This time last year, the Berkley Public Safety Department joined forces with the MOMS Club of Berkley for a Diaper Drive to support children and families in need in southeastern Michigan. Eleven thousand diapers were collected for distribution…
Diaper Drive at Various Locations in Berkley through Dec. 19 (City of Berkley, Dec. 4, 2016) Berkley, MI – The City of Berkley Public Safety Department is teaming up with the Berkley Mom’s Club for a diaper drive to support children and families in need in southeastern Michigan. During the season of giving, Berkley Public…
Ferndale DPW Saves Ducklings from 8 Mile Road Traffic (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, May 13, 2016) Ferndale, MI – What would have been a day of spreading wood chips ended up in a mad dash to save the lives of nine ducklings who were orphaned in the median of 8 Mile near Woodward. Crew members…
Sheriff Bouchard Launches Cops-n-Cribs to Save Infants Lives (vide0) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 14, 2015) Two recent infant deaths in Pontiac have prompted Sheriff Mike Bouchard to accelerate the launch of a program that had been in the works to help new parents in need have a proper crib in the home. Cops-n-Cribs is a…