Jewish Authors in Michigan Invited to Apply for JCC Book Fair

Jewish Authors in Michigan Invited to Apply for JCC Book Fair (JCC, June 8, 2017) West Bloomfield, MI – The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit is in search of local authors for its Annual Jewish Book Fair, to be held this November at the JCC in West Bloomfield. Books should be written by Jewish…

Jewish Authors in Michigan Invited to Apply for JCC Book Fair

Jewish Authors in Michigan Invited to Apply for JCC Book Fair (JCC, June 8, 2017) West Bloomfield, MI – The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit is in search of local authors for its Annual Jewish Book Fair, to be held this November at the JCC in West Bloomfield. Books should be written by Jewish…

Writers Share their Work at Orion Twp Library’s Author and Illustrator Fair

Writers Share their Work at Orion Twp Library’s Author and Illustrator Fair (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 12, 2015) Orion Township, MI – “I don’t think that any writer writes stuff that doesn’t have something autobiographical in it,” said author Ronald (R.L.) Herron as he peddled his books at the Orion Township Library’s Authors and Illustrators…