Candidate Interview: Haley Stevens for Congress District 11
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Oakland County voters will soon have the opportunity to hear directly from judicial candidates in all upcoming contested elections for Oakland County judgeships
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Local leaders, whose communities have contracts with GFL, were as surprised by the news as employees and customers were.
The Kinship Advisory Council is actively seeking new members and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds, including professionals from various fields and individuals with lived kinship experience
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Today Oakland County Times turns 15!
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
The Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved funding to help complete more than $29.2 million in new local road projects during its May 22 meeting.
It’s the fifth year in a row that the names took the top slot together
Shall the previously approved additional operating millage in Section 9.2 of the Wixom City Charter of up to 3.5 mills…
Research shows that native species are more adept at fostering biodiversity, protecting local habitat and attracting wildlife – including ever-important pollinators.
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) released their annual look at new construction across their seven-county service area, and Oakland County Times has decided to take a look at the data.
Two families have been impacted by pit bull attacks over the past week.
The following three charts show the results for communities across Oakland County – separated into cities, townships, and villages…
“Our partnership expands access to water assistance for families who typically are not eligible for other assistance programs.”
Once again, an almost guaranteed low turnout May election was held on bond proposals in three Oakland County school districts – Hazel Park, Huron Valley and Walled Lake.
But what about the districts that bucked the general trend?