Feb. 27 Presidential Primary and Local Ballot Proposals
In addition to Presidential candidates, a number of communities have ballot proposals.
In addition to Presidential candidates, a number of communities have ballot proposals.
The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office has provided data files on both methods, in order to provide absentee ballot comparisons between the Presidential Primary turnouts in 2020 and 2024, and to gauge the popularity of first-time early voting.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 5 – 10 minutes to complete.
Oakland County is launching a new grant program for local organizations that offer volunteer programs for senior residents.
Oakland County Times spoke with Senator Moss about the bills, and why FOIA is an important tool for transparency in Michigan government.
…they weren’t just learning about departments and job descriptions to help inspire dreams of public service, but from stories like Brown’s of learning and trying again.
Here are our Top 15 takeaways that can help renters anywhere in Michigan…
Individuals and business owners who sustained losses in the designated areas can begin applying for assistance by registering online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, by calling 1-800-621-3362 or by using the FEMA App.
It’s a powerful opportunity to support those young, brilliant minds in our community who just need a little extra help to reach their full potential.
Funding is available for local, state, federal and tribal governments, profit and nonprofit groups, and individuals through an open, competitive process.
In addition to Presidential candidates, a number of communities have ballot proposals.
One possible funding tool is road usage charges, which means drivers would pay a few cents for each mile driven versus paying based on how much gas they buy.
There are a number of resources for renters, including…
In addition to Presidential candidates, a number of communities have ballot proposals.
These grants can be used to make updates to homes, producing savings in energy consumption and utility bills and improving a home’s health, safety and comfort.
Oakland County has been gathering information about warming centers and adding them to an interactive map.
Completed nominations should be sent by Wednesday, Jan. 31
Oakland County has been gathering information about warming centers and adding them to an interactive map.
With the support of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Development, HTIM has expanded this year to reach additional Michiganders looking for a rewarding and high-paying career.
Voters in Walled Lake are being asked to vote on a public safety millage replacement in the Feb. 27, 2024 election.