Oak Park Library Accepting Donations of Gift Cards for Families in Need
Donations can be dropped at the library through Dec. 16!
Donations can be dropped at the library through Dec. 16!
From crafting cozy blankets to intricate scarves, members collaborate on projects that showcase their creativity and teamwork
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
The Holly Dickens Festival returns for two more weekends in picturesque Downtown Holly.
To submit event information, please email editor@oc115.com.
In her words, “history is no good if you keep it to yourself.”
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
The park is located at 21950 Scotia Road.
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
Each Ticket Includes Drinks, Food, BINGO card & Raffle Tickets.
The December 20th concert will feature an enchanting evening filled with festive music and a joyous celebration.
Learn what local stores in Oakland County accept medications and provide safe medication disposal kiosks.
Bring your instrument and join us for a relaxed, welcoming jam session where musicians of all skill levels play together from our music books
a free educational training about the real dangers of vaping.
Explore a curated selection of local vendors featuring unique boutiques, handmade jewelry, vintage treasures, and artisan goods.
Have lunch with Santa on Saturday Dec. 14 at 12:30pm
Please come to the Hazel Park District Library or call 248-546-4095 to register
Enjoy our Breakfast Soiree for members of both the Holly Area Chamber and the Ortonville Area Chamber.
Don your holiday pjs and join us for a holiday themed pancake extravaganza, complete with a pancake dinner and a visit with Santa!
Oakland Community Health Network is hosting a Veteran and Military Family drive through resource and food distribution event