Affirmations Steps Back

An era of growth and expansion has come to a halt at Affirmations, where new leadership has taken a look at the organization’s books and greatly reduced the hours that the doors of the recently-constructed community center will be open to serve the public, and the scope of services they will be able to provide, for at least the next year while the organization regroups.

More Charter Change Information Now Available Thanks to CFF Forum

The forum, held Oct. 23, 2010 at the Ferndale Public Library, gave representatives from each side of the issue an opportunity to present their sides. Citizens for a More Responsive City Government is a group of residents organized to encourage voters to support the change. Approximately 90 residents have formally and publically committed to voting “yes” on the change. They were represented by Councilperson Scott Galloway at the forum. Tom Gagne, who led the petition drive to repeal the change when Council approved it earlier this year, spoke on behalf of those opposed.

Jack Whitehead’s Works Raise Money for Affirmations

…Through the end of November, visitors to the Pittman-Puckett gallery inside Affirmations (290 W. 9 Mile) can enjoy the super-sized acrylic paintings of Jack Whitehead. The works are original paintings done toward the end of the artist’s life while he was living in Florida and fighting kidney disease, though he is mainly known through the Detroit area as a fashion and automotive photographer….(read more)

Seniors to sell Cookbook, host Town Hall Mtg.

October 27, 2010 is a big one for The Ferndale Seniors. First they’ll be getting a visit from Mayor Craig Covey, at the annual Senior Town Hall Meeting at 11am at the Kulick Center (1201 Livernois). Then in the evening they will be celebrating the launch of their first ever Ferndale Seniors Cookbook with a Taste Fest from 5:00pm to 7:00pm, at the Ferndale Public Library (222 E. 9 Mile)…(read more)