Oakland County Democrats Hold Press Conference on PA 5187 (video)

HB 5187 has passed both the State House and State Senate, and now only needs Governor Rick Snyder’s signature to become law. If Snyder signs, the bill would reduce the number of County Commissioners in Oakland County from 25 to 21, and remove the authority to draw electoral districts from the current committee to give it to the commission as a whole, putting control in the hands of the majority party.

Ms. Jillean & Joe Reilly, Winter Solstice at FPL

Parents and kids have been clamoring for Reilly to come back and on Tuesday, Dec. 20, their wish will come true. To celebrate winter, Reilly and the Ferndale Public Library’s Head of Youth Services, Jillean McCommons (better known to the kids as Ms. Jillean) will host a night of music, stories, crafts and snacks. No registration is required and all ages are welcome.

Council Votes to Oppose Redistricting Bill

Therefore Be it Resolved that this City Council in the strongest terms vigorously opposes this last minute partisan attempt to impose new state rules on our county that removes local control, negates the actions of county voters, forces a new system of redistricting without our consent and places the ability of drawing new county commission lines in the very hands of the current sitting majority county commissioners which is unfair, unethical, and possibly illegal, and we call on the Michigan Senate and the Governor of the State of Michigan to oppose this bill.”

Fire at Chazzano Coffee

The Ferndale Fire Department confirms that there was a small a fire at Chazzano Coffee at 1737 E 9 Mile. Details are not yet available, but owner Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo posted on the company’s Facebook Page “Friends, we had a fire, just a few hours ago Chazzano Coffee Roasters and we will be closed until I have further information. Everyone is okay- the building is fine. I’m just not sure about the roaster, yet. I’ll keep everyone updated.-Frank.”

State House Passes Unusually Specific Redistricting Bill

The State House of Representatives passed HB 5187 today. If the bill progresses through the Senate and is signed by the Governor, it would cap the number of County Commissioners in any county to 21. It would also take away the authority of the current body to draw the new district lines. If passed, Oakland County would then have 30 days to jettison four elected officials and re-draw the District lines.

Town Hall to Discuss Heating Assistance Funding

State Rep Ellen Cogen Lipton will be hosting a town hall meeting to discuss changes to home heating assistance programs on Friday, Dec. 9 at 1 p.m. at the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) in Ferndale. She and Congressman Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak) and Gilda Jacobs, President and CEO of the Michigan League for Human Services will be on hand to talk about these programs and proposed changes at the State level that will affect funding.