Kids Help Plant Trees in Arbor Day Forest (video)

Campers from the Kulick Center Summer Program joined the Department of Public Works and the Beautification Commission for the annual tree planting in the Arbor Day Forest at Oppenheimer Park on Tuesday. Two dozen youngsters aged 5-12 listened as Parks and Forestry Supervisor Shaun Slocum explained tree-planting basics. Then they dug in themselves, taking turns shoveling in the dirt needed to support the two trees they were adding to the forest.

Oakland County Offers Citizen Planner Course in September

Oakland County Offers Citizen Planner Course in September (press release, June 24, 2013) The Oakland County Department of Economic Development & Community Affairs, in partnership with the Michigan State University Extension – Oakland, presents the Michigan Citizen Planner Classroom Series in September and October. Michigan Citizen Planner offers the Fundamentals of Planning and Zoning, a…

POW: New Environmental Organization Formed

POW: New Environmental Organization Formed (POW press release, June 24, 2013) A new, not-for-profit organization has been formed in Oakland County by Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash, and others, to provide educational programs and events supporting protection and preservation of our natural water resources. The organization is based in Waterford, and is applying for 501(c)(3)…

Where Will You Be on Day of Decision?

The U.S. Supreme Court could rule any day on the two cases that affect the LGBT community, and community centers across Michigan are in the process of figuring out how to serve as gathering places for people affected by the decisions. A national movement, called Day of Decision 2013, is working to organize places for people to gather whether the outcome requires celebrating, protesting, or simply understanding what the decision means.

Wider I-75 in the Works and other SEMCOG Plans Approved

Wider I-75 in the Works and other SEMCOG Plans Approved (C. Proxmire, June 21, 2013) Despite resolutions against it by the cities of Ferndale, Hazel Park and Detroit, The Southeastern Michigan Council of Government (SEMCOG) voted this week to approve their 2040 Regional Transit Plan that includes the widening of I-75. According to the plan,…