Madison Heights Men’s Club Holiday Kickoff Fundraiser Nov.21

Madison Heights Men’s Club Holiday Kickoff Fundraiser Nov.21 (MHMC press release, Nov. 3, 2014) Madison Heights Men’s Club President Bobby Robinson announced the organization will host the 1st Annual Holiday Kickoff Fundraiser on November 21, 2014, 6:30pm at Club Venetian Banquet Center, 29310 John R. Road, Madison Heights, Michigan 48071. Cost is $45 per person.…

Election Stories and Resources for Nov. 4, 2014

Election Stories and Resources for Nov. 4, 2014 (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 30, 2014) Nov. 4 is Election Day and there are many resources available to help people make informed decisions. The Oakland County Clerk’s Office provides a wealth of information on their website at, including: How to Vote: Find out if you’re registered…

Donate Treats for Troops – Several Locations – Through Nov. 5

Donate Candy to Treats for Troops – Several Locations – Through Nov. 5 (Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, Nov. 2, 2014) For parents looking for an alternative to their children consuming excessive amounts of candy at Halloween while engaging in a service project with their children, the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is accepting Halloween candy as…

Struggling Students? Free Brain Balance Presentation Nov. 6

Struggling Students? Free Brain Balance Presentation Nov. 6 (compiled, Nov. 2, 2014) Is your child struggling with Social, Academic or Behavioral issues? Brain Balance can help! Come to the FREE Lecture by Dr. Robert Melillo, expert in ADHD, Dyslexia and other Learning Challenges, at 7p on Thursday, November 6 at Birmingham Groves High School, 20500…

Families Against Narcotics Public Forum on Vivitrol Nov. 20 in Lyon Township

Families Against Narcotics Public Forum on Vivitrol Nov. 20 in Lyon Township (FAN press release, Nov. 1, 2014) F.A.N, Families Against Narcotics, is hosting a Public Forum Meeting on Thursday, November 20, 2014 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Topic:   Vivitrol – Drug Addiction Treatment Guest Speakers: Vivitrol drug representative Adam Rondo and pharmacist Theresa Burke…

No On-Street Parking in Downtown Pontiac on Sunday

No On-Street Parking in Downtown Pontiac on Sunday (Downtown Pontiac Business Association Press Release, Oct. 31, 2014) Everyone is asked to clear street parking on Sunday, November 2 prior to 9:00 AM to 3:00PM Downtown Pontiac will be seeing more capital improvements after the recently repaved Huron Street.  On Sunday parking spaces will be striped along…

Bowling for Holly Youth Assistance & Quinn Toy Project Nov. 9

Bowling Fundraiser for Holly Youth Assistance and Quinn Toy Project Nov. 9 (Holly Area Youth Assistance, Oct. 31, 2014) Chamber Bowling Fundraiser HAYA’s Jacobson/Quinn Toy Project Sunday, November 9th 1:30-4:00pm Holly Lanes 2430 Grange Hall Road 2 Hours of Bowling, Shoes, Pizza and Pop Bowling, Auction, 50/50! Fun for the whole family! $25.00 per person…