Back to the Future: Should EAA Be Model for Education in Michigan?

Back to the Future: Should EAA Be Model for Education in Michigan? (Guest View by Bill Boyle, Dec. 23, 2014) Mary L. Mason and David Arsen have just come out with an analysis of the effectiveness of Michigan’s Educational Achievement Authority in Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority and the Future of Public Education in Detroit: The Challenge of…

Director’s Arrest Just Tip of Housing Commission Problems

Director’s Arrest Just Tip of Housing Commission Problems (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 22, 2014) The arrest and subsequent resignation of Ferndale Housing Commission Director Debra Wilson for entering sick residents’ homes and swapping out prescription narcotics for Tylenol is the tip of the iceberg in terms of problems. As Wilson’s charges play out in court,…

Pancakes and Beyond: Ferndale Rotary Approaches 90th Year

Pancakes and Beyond: Ferndale Rotary Approaches 90th Year (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 20, 2014) As the Ferndale Rotary Club approaches its 90th anniversary, the community service organization finished up the year with the annual pancake breakfast and will be starting 2015 with efforts to increase membership. Over 80 people came to Blumz by JR Designs…

Dump Truck Ripped Apart After Hitting Light then I-75 Overpass

Dump Truck Ripped Apart After Hitting Light then I-75 Overpass (Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, Dec. 20, 2014) INCIDENT: 11:32 Hrs. – Dec. 19, 2014 – Springfield Twp. – Personal Injury Accident.  #14-199142 SUMMARY: Deputies responded along with the Springfield Township Fire Department, to Dixie Hwy and the I-75 overpass on a report of a single…

Sheriff Announces Launch of Opioid Antagonist Program

Sheriff Announces Launch of Opioid Antagonist Program (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 20, 2014) Yesterday, the Michigan Legislature passed Senate Bill 1049, sponsored by Senator Tonya Schuitmaker, that would authorize law enforcement officers to obtain and use opioid antagonists to save lives of those experiencing an overdose. The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office pushed to change…

Chabad-Lubavitch Chanukah Parade Shares Light…

Chabad-Lubavitch Chanukah Parade Shares Light Through Oak Park, Royal Oak and Birmingham (Photos and Interview by Aaron Tobin, Dec. 19, 2014) Dec. 17 was a day to celebrate light as the Labavitch Chanukah Parade made its way through Oak Park, Huntington Woods, Royal Oak and Birmingham “The idea was to reach as many Jews and non-Jews…

“Budget Challenge” Earns Two Clawson Students $20,000 Scholarships

“Budget Challenge” Earns Two Clawson Students $20,000 Scholarships (Clawson Schools Press Release, Dec. 19, 2014) Two Clawson High School seniors Evan DeCiantis and Wade Murley from Oakland Schools Technical Campus Southeast (OSTC) in Royal Oak were each awarded a $20,000 scholarship for their personal financial acumen in H&R Block’s Budget Challenge. Over 13,800 students participated…

Pontiac Honors Those Who Make the City Shine

Pontiac Honors Those Who Make the City Shine (Pontiac DBA Press Release, Dec. 18, 2014)   Every year the community of Pontiac, organized by the Pontiac Downtown Business Association (PDBA) honors volunteers and organizations that help make the community shine.  Glen Konopaskie, President of the PDBA, honors each awardee along with a co-presenter Patrice Waterman,…

Get Involved: Birmingham has Spots Open on Boards and Commissions

Get Involved: Birmingham has Spots Open on Boards and Commissions (City of Birmingham Press Release, Dec.18, 2014) Citizens have an opportunity to share ideas and make a difference in their community by serving on City of Birmingham boards and committees. Those who serve help shape the future of the community by serving in an advisory…

A Grayer Michigan… How Aging will Impact Public Policy

A Grayer Michigan: How the Aging of the Mitten State will Impact Public Policy (A guest view by Public Sector Consultants, Dec. 17, 2014) Now that elections are over, policymakers and the public are grappling with issues that will chart Michigan’s course for years to come. But just what will that future Michigan look like?…

View: Invitation to Rally Against “License to Discriminate” Dec. 18

View: Invitation to Rally Against “License to Discriminate” Dec. 18 (Guest View by Julia Music, Chair of Ferndale Pride, Dec. 16, 2014) It seems almost impossible that in 2014 our State’s Senate may vote on a bill to legalize discrimination. Michigan’s House, however, passed the bill and now we as Michiganders are watching Lansing to…

Pontiac Project Excel Seeking Coats, Volunteers and Cookies

Pontiac Project Excel Seeking Coats, Volunteers and Cookies (Project Excel press release, Dec. 15, 2014) Project Excel is hosting a free coat day for kids and families on Saturday, Dec. 20 from 1-5pm at Pontiac High School. There students and families will get new winter coats and enjoy cookies, cocoa, crafts, singing, entertainment and other…