Local Magic Love: Four Ways to Make Personal Halloween Magic

Local Magic Love: Four Ways to Make Personal Halloween Magic (Guest View by Jacki Smith, Coventry Creations and Candle Wick Shoppe, Sept. 15, 2015) With Halloween quickly approaching  and Christmas sales already overtaking the fall, it’s easy to lose the spirit of it. “Wait,” you say.  “There is a spiritual purpose to Halloween?” Yes, yes…

Affirmations Executive Director Announces Departure…

Affirmations Executive Director Announces Departure After 7 Months on Job (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 14, 2015) Seven months since coming on board, Darrious Hilmon, Executive Director of Affirmations, has announced that he will be leaving the organization on January 1, 2016. A press release from Affirmations states: “Darrious has brought a fresh perspective and ideas to…

Deputies Say Road Rage Led to Man Beating Woman, Pulling Gun

Deputies Say Road Rage Led to Man Beating Woman, Pulling Gun (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, Oct. 14, 2015) FROM DAY SHIFT:  10-13-2015 THROUGH MIDNIGHT SHIFT:  10-14-2015 __________________________ INCIDENT:  10:32 hrs. – Brandon Township – Felonious Assault – Road Rage / Carrying a Concealed Weapon / Felon in Possession of a Firearm / Assault and Battery…

Birmingham: Spooky Halloween Magic Show at Baldwin Public Library Oct. 18

Birmingham:  Spooky Halloween Magic Show at Baldwin Public Library  Oct. 18 (EVENT page) Sunday, October 18, 2015 3pm to 4pm Spooky Halloween Magic Show at Baldwin Public Library 300 West Merrill Street, Birmingham Magician Gordon Russ will perform a Spooky Halloween Magic Show for all ages.  Register by calling (248) 647-1700. For more event listings…

Oak Park Used Book Sale Oct. 22-27

Oak Park Used Book  Sale Oct. 22-27 (EVENT page) Oak Park Used Book  Sale Oct. 22-27 Everyone welcome to come buy lots of books! Oak Park Public Library 14200 Oak Park Blvd Call 248-691-7480 for more info. For more event listings go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/events/ Want a daily list of headlines? Sign up at https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=Oakland_County_115_News.

Candidate Interview: Jeff Jenks Huntington Woods Commissioner (video)

Candidate Interview: Jeff Jenks Huntington Woods Commissioner (video) (C. Proxmire, October 13, 2015) Huntington Woods Commissioner Jeff Jenks is running for re-election, and in his candidate interview with oc115 the seasoned public servant gave many reasons why he hopes people will vote for him. Jenks brings extensive education and experience to the table. Not only…

Troy, Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills & Oakland Twp…

Troy, Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills & Oakland Township Join  Forces for  Fire Dept. Night (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 13, 2015) “I want to show him who the good guys are.”  That’s the reason that Marlon Pokorny gave for bringing his four year old son Christian to the Fire Department night in Rochester Hills.  “If…