Governor Announces “Return to School Roadmap”
Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan schools may resume in-person learning in phase 4 of the MI Safe Start plan, with strict safety measures in place.
Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan schools may resume in-person learning in phase 4 of the MI Safe Start plan, with strict safety measures in place.
The signs cost $5 and can be delivered to Berkley, Detroit, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Huntington Woods, Oak Park, Pleasant Ridge, Royal Oak, and Royal Oak Township.
Applications for the Out of the Box Awards are due by midnight on June 30, 2020.
In the Republican Primary, the candidates are Mike Kowall and Jeffrey G. Nutt.
On the Republican side voters will chose between Tina Barton and Patrick Wilson.
Oakland County Executive David Coulter today said he will seek $32 million to help retail stores, restaurants and personal service businesses such as salons and fitness centers that were impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
We want to make sure all votes get counted, and elections can be held fairly and safely in 2020.
Coulter said more than 30 percent of Oakland County’s population is ethnically diverse and it is important county policies ensure its workforce reflects the county’s diversity
The kits have more than $400 worth of supplies.
“It doesn’t just block them,” said Alisha Meneely, Community Outreach Director for the agency, which is part of the Michigan Secretary of State’s office. “It stops them.”
On Thursday of this week, the Census Bureau released its last set of population estimates until the 2020 Census results are released by July of 2021.
The grants can be used for health, economic and financial hardships resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society and Oakland County’s Economic Development and Community Affairs Department, here is a list of Oakland County’s cemeteries
County Executive David Coulter said the expanded testing is important as Oakland County and the state gradually reopens, which includes resumed operations for many area businesses and manufacturers.
Coulter said. “Our team has worked very hard evaluating each building, its public spaces and offices, to determine how we can best serve the public and our employees while maintaining appropriate social distancing and other health protocols.
As movement towards reopening unfolds, we are working to gather information about how businesses are planning to return to work.
On the Democratic side there are three candidates in the Aug. 4, 2020 primary: Randy Maloney, Barnett Jones, and Vincent Gregory.
The goal of the program is to create a safer and healthier work environment and reduce the risk of injury and illness to workers in Michigan.
“They’re different kids, and they do different things. And the world sees them as twins.”
Twenty-six Oakland County cities and villages have exceeded 70 percent, with Huntington Woods (still leading the country) on top at 89.1 percent, followed closely by Pleasant Ridge.