Task-force Seeks Nominations for Martin Luther King Jr. Awards…

Task-force Seeks Nominations for Martin Luther King Jr. Awards in Southfield and Lathrup Village (Southfield Press Release, Dec. 2, 2014) The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force of Southfield is currently seeking nominations for the 2015 MLK Community Service Award. The award honors one individual each year who best exemplifies the qualities of the…

Republicans Seek to Change County Elections and Electoral College Vote Distribution

Republicans Seek to Change County Elections and Electoral College Vote Distribution (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 17, 2014) Five Republican State Representatives from Oakland County have introduced legislation that would change the election date of the County Executive from Presidential Election Years to Midterm Election Years. HB 5953 was introduced Nov. 12 by Klint Klesto of…

Medicare Changes: Hotline Help and Presentation Dates…

Medicare Changes: Hotline Help and Presentation Dates for General and LGBT Communities (AAA1-B Press Release, Nov. 7, 2014) The Area Agency on Aging 1-B’s (AAA1-B) Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP) is partnering with Affirmations to offer LGBT Medicare beneficiaries free information and assistance on Medicare and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage plans during open…

Input Sought on Southfield Road… Open House Nov. 20

Input Sought on Southfield Road Improvements, Open House Nov. 20 (Lathrup Village Press Release, Nov. 5, 2014) The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), in close cooperation with the communities of Southfield, Lathrup Village, Beverly Hills and Southfield Township, will conduct the second public information and comment meeting to present information about the ongoing Environmental…

Election Stories and Resources for Nov. 4, 2014

Election Stories and Resources for Nov. 4, 2014 (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 30, 2014) Nov. 4 is Election Day and there are many resources available to help people make informed decisions. The Oakland County Clerk’s Office provides a wealth of information on their website at http://www.oakgov.com/clerkrod/elections/Pages/default.aspx, including: How to Vote: Find out if you’re registered…

Christy Jensen Gives Advice to Women Seeking Election (video)

Christy Jensen Gives Advice to Women Seeking Election (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 21, 2014) Not everyone knows who Christy Jensen is. But the women who have won office thanks in part to her campaign expertise are leading some of Oakland County’s largest communities. Mayor Brenda Lawrence of Southfield, who is now running for Congress,…

Christy Jensen Gives Advice to Women Seeking Election (video)

Christy Jensen Gives Advice to Women Seeking Election (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 21, 2014) Not everyone knows who Christy Jensen is. But the women who have won office thanks in part to her campaign expertise are leading some of Oakland County’s largest communities. Mayor Brenda Lawrence of Southfield, who is now running for Congress,…

Daddow to Represent Oakland County on Water Authority

Bob Daddow to Represent Oakland County on Great Lakes Water Authority (Oakland County Press Release, Oct. 18,2014) Deputy County Executive Robert J. Daddow will represent Oakland County’s water and sewer ratepayers on the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) board, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. Daddow, a certified public accountant, was part of the…