Which Oakland County Cities Are Tops in Income and Education Level Across Michigan?
I wanted to look at two topic areas of importance – educational attainment and median household income.
I wanted to look at two topic areas of importance – educational attainment and median household income.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to develop leadership skills and instill an ethic of community service, as well as encourage citizen participation in local government.
They also travel to Washington, D.C. for the national Student Leaders Summit to see how nonprofits, governments and businesses collaborate to meet local needs.
Yet the more incidents are exposed, the more people come forward with their own experiences with Holly ACTS members.
The Board is asking for community input to assist in the development of a profile of our ideal candidate.
You will be able to give a gift until the 21st of December at 5 pm, at which time our departments will come together to organize and distribute the gifts to be delivered to those in need!
“Every so often, a student comes along with a certain drive and grit that you can’t deny. I’m proud to call Sam a student.”
Stop by anytime between 5-7pm to enjoy the beautifully lit trail.
The parade has been an Orion tradition since 1995.
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
At 8:00pm each night through December 23, pediatric patients at Beaumont Children’s Hospital will shine flashlights from the hospital windows and look for community members standing outside the hospital to flash them back.
Each year, the award is presented to an individual or organization that has demonstrated exceptional commitment to community service in suicide prevention.
Hosted at 6pm prior to our regular Board of Education meetings, district leaders look forward to this opportunity to engage with the community.
Please see descriptions of these groups here, and complete the Citizen Interest Form if interested in one or more positions
We started Mittens for Detroit in Pontiac in 2021, as we were all coming out of the pandemic. It is nothing short of amazing to see how this program has grown in just two years.
The contest, which ran through the month of November, required residents to take selfies in front of their favorite small businesses
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
The white cat with black spots was illumined by the glow of green Christmas lights.
Nessel says red flags you should watch out for are social media posts that…
Combined with the $7,500 federal credit, a Michigan family could receive up to $10,000 off the purchase of new battery electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.