Woman’s Openness About Tourette Syndrome Helps Others, and Herself
Living with Tourette syndrome has been a struggle for Rochelle Bono. But she took the hardship and turned it into a meaningful way to help people.
Living with Tourette syndrome has been a struggle for Rochelle Bono. But she took the hardship and turned it into a meaningful way to help people.
Here’s a look back at the best stories of the past year.
The recommended response to reports of violence is not necessarily what people might expect, and in fact surprised many of the women in the roo
We asked people across Oakland County what they are grateful for this Thanksgiving. Here are some of the many great things people shared…
Body cameras are one solution that’s gotten a lot of attention. It’s also one that comes with both benefits and challenges. Roll out of the technology in Oakland County has been happening in patches.
Those checking out the MML website will find an exciting interview on the homepage.
For the men of Car’s Trucking Inc, who are contracted to pick up trash from the city, the boat was an exciting challenge.
Kroger Recalls Frozen Berries Due to Hepatitis A Contamination (FDA/Kroger Co, June 11, 2019) The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) said today it is recalling Private Selection Frozen Triple Berry Medley (48 oz), Private Selection Frozen Triple Berry Medley (16 oz), and Private Selection Frozen Blackberries (16 oz) manufactured by Townsend Farms due to possible…
OC Times Info for 2019 Candidates (Crystal A. Proxmire, June 9, 2019) Each year Oakland County Times provides two opportunities to reach our readers and spread the word about your campaign – free candidate video interviews, as well as advertising opportunities. VIDEOS You can see previous videos HERE. These are short, easy video interviews that…
Michigan “Ballot Selfie” Case Settled, Here’s What Voters Can and Can’t Do on Election Day (Secretary of State, May 8, 2019) Lansing, MI- Subject to court approval, the Secretary of State today settled a federal lawsuit challenging Michigan’s restrictions on ballot photography, sometimes known as “ballot selfies.” Under the settlement, in which both parties to…
Summer Spark Website Helps Families Find Educational Events and Opportunities (United Way for Southeastern Michigan, April 24, 2019) Summer Spark, a free online tool designed to help busy parents and caregivers find quality summer programs all in one place, has made it easier than ever to search for fun, engaging and educational activities and programs…
Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson Announces Cancer Diagnosis (Crystal A. Proxmire, March 26, 2019) Waterford, MI- Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced Tuesday afternoon that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. Patterson will not be resigning from his position, but will instead take time off for treatment and to be…
Local Officials and Admins Gather in Lansing for Michigan Municipal League Capital Conference (C. Proxmire, March 21, 2019) Lansing, MI- Officials and city administrators from across the state gathered in Lansing this week for the Michigan Municipal League Capital Conference. MML provides educational and networking opportunities, including classes on topics that are important to local…
Goals, Compromise, and Ethics Part of MTA Training for Elected Officials (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 17, 2019) Okemos, MI – When a room full of elected officials from townships around the state were asked how many of their boards do annual or bi-annual goal-setting, only a couple raised their hands. The question was asked at…
Survivors of Violence Need Not Leave Beloved Pets Behind (Lara Mossa, Feb. 2, 2019) PONTIAC, MI – It was 2001. Dr. Tracy Thompson knew she had to do something. Thompson had only the clothes on her back and a hastily-packed suitcase when she left her husband. He had tried to hold her against her will…
Resources for Those in Need 2019 Oakland County, MI – Here is a list of resources for shelter, food, medical care and more. This list will be updated if other resources are found. If you know of any please email editor@oc115.com. Shelter Welcome Inn—Covenant Presbyterian Church 21575 W Ten Mile Rd, Southfield 48075 (248) 677-8757.…
Oakland County Elite 40 Under 40 Announced Waterford, Michigan – Beginning Friday at noon, the public can cast an online vote to choose the winner of the Oakland County Executive’s Elite 40 under 40 Class of 2019. About 250 applications and nominations were reviewed by a panel of judges, looking for the top 40 young…
Madison High School Courtyard Goats Give Lessons in Garbage-Eating, Giving Birth (Lara Mossa, Jan. 12, 2019) MADISON HEIGHTS – The white short-haired goat came to the window and nibbled on the banana peel. George Barndollar stroked her furry head while he fed her. This is not an unusual sight for students at Madison High School.…
Oakland County Commissioners Sworn In, Democratic Majority Begins (Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 9, 2019) Pontiac, MI- “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” The quote from Margaret Mead graced the back of the program for the Inaugural Ceremony for the…
New Data Shows Education Levels, Income, & More by City (Kurt Metzger, Dec. 23, 2018) Oakland County, MI- Newly released data from the U.S. Census Bureau clearly demonstrate the wide social and economic diversity that exists across communities in Oakland County. Utilizing data collected by the American Community Survey over the 2013-2017 period, I have…