Explore: A Springtime Visit to Dow Gardens in Midland
Last spring we returned to see more of the gardens themselves, and are happy to share the pictures now as readers may look forward to planning their own visit.
Last spring we returned to see more of the gardens themselves, and are happy to share the pictures now as readers may look forward to planning their own visit.
But we found them, and thought they were too fun not to share!
Main Street program managers across Oakland County gathered on Nov. 22 to get inspired by national leadership and to learn from each other.
An autumn tradition continues as Yates Cider Mill in Rochester Hills is serving up family fun and fresh-pressed apple cider.
To be clear, in America government officials should not be manipulating public discussion, silencing citizens, obstructing the media, or threatening people – and members of the press – with jail time because they questioned the ethical conduct of a public official.
“Years after this thing happened, they’re still encountering barriers to success.”
She shared that when she was 15 or 16 years old, she got business cards with her mission in life printed on the back of them. “Creating positive change in my local and national community,” they said.
“October is Fire Safety Month and this is our way of getting information to the community,” said Fire Chief Rob Duke.
Mayor Piana was inspired to implement this practice following a National League of Cities national conference in 2020. During the conference, there was an executive leadership training that discussed mindfulness for leaders which caught her attention.
Yet a dozen local leaders from seven different communities came together Oct. 7 to get just a taste of what their fire departments do on behalf of the community.
The Oakland County dog license database contains 2,893 records for dogs living in ZIP Codes 48359, 60, 61, and 62.
To be clear, in America government officials should not be manipulating public discussion, silencing citizens, obstructing the media, or threatening people – and members of the press – with jail time because they questioned the ethical conduct of a public official.
Drones have many applications that most people, and even other planners, may not realize.
The City’s facilities budget constraints, ownership issues, and critical infrastructure improvement needs for the building are important reasons for the task force’s recommendation to shift strategies for community parks and recreation needs.”
Visitors can come year round to enjoy the art, which includes pieces by Barr as well as other artists.
Oakland County Times met with Dr. Goodrum via Zoom to chat about her new role, and what having her at the helm means for Ferndale Schools.
“Disabled people are champions and should be looked at what they have overcome instead of what they might not be able to do now.”
When an area does meet the requirements for having an Ozone Action Day the public is notified through weather reports on the television and radio as well as in local newspapers.
For this particular show, it was a series of animals that showed off their fancy feathers, furs and scales.
Each year Oakland County Times gives candidates for any office an opportunity to do a video interview.