Census Estimates Show Gains and Losses in Population for Oakland County Communities
The following three charts show the results for communities across Oakland County – separated into cities, townships, and villages…
The following three charts show the results for communities across Oakland County – separated into cities, townships, and villages…
There are 4,800 railroad crossings across the state of Michigan, each one inspected and maintained with the care of MDOT’s Office of Rail Safety.
Whether they’re urban or rural, bustling or quaint, traditional or eclectic – the Main Streets of America are places that people want to be.
If the proposal passes, Michigan would be the only state in the nation not to have a property tax.
Michigan’s population continues to decline, and the state is working to reverse the trend.
Smoking has re-emerged as a hot topic in Lansing as the Senate considers a package of bills related to tobacco regulation.
The Freedom of Information Act is a tool for members of the public to be informed about the actions of elected officials who are serving on their behalf.
Oakland County Times spoke with Senator Moss about the bills, and why FOIA is an important tool for transparency in Michigan government.
Here are our Top 15 takeaways that can help renters anywhere in Michigan…
Why are more municipalities looking at the potential for Accessory Dwelling Units as part of the solution to nationwide housing shortages?
On average, one person is killed each day in Southeast Michigan, while six more are seriously injured.
If approved, there will be five citizens appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by the council.
I thought it would be interesting to look at a number of demographic variables and see how Oakland, and Wayne, measure up against their peers.
Examples of attacks can be found all over the county, and the costs have not been as small as Clarkston.
Main Street program managers across Oakland County gathered on Nov. 22 to get inspired by national leadership and to learn from each other.
But can things like coloring, music, and Play-doh sculptures make a difference in City Hall?
“Municipal government is one of the most difficult places to insert creativity,” Dempsey said.
“Years after this thing happened, they’re still encountering barriers to success.”
She shared that when she was 15 or 16 years old, she got business cards with her mission in life printed on the back of them. “Creating positive change in my local and national community,” they said.