Royal Oak Encourages Snow Removal with Video, Contemplating Ordinance (video)

Royal Oak Encourages Snow Removal with Video, Contemplating Ordinance (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 25, 2015) The City of Royal Oak has made a public service announcement encouraging residents and business owners to shovel the snow and ice from their sidewalks. However, there is no ordinance requiring them to do so. The video shows a…

Royal Oak Encourages Snow Removal with Video, Contemplating Ordinance (video)

Royal Oak Encourages Snow Removal with Video, Contemplating Ordinance (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 25, 2015) The City of Royal Oak has made a public service announcement encouraging residents and business owners to shovel the snow and ice from their sidewalks. However, there is no ordinance requiring them to do so. The video shows a…

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement (Margarita Wagerson, OCC, Feb. 23, 2015) Oakland Community College’s nationally recognized “Man Up” program is off to another great start this year with 35 students enrolled this semester. OCC leaders crafted “Man Up” in 2011 with the goal of keeping young African American men in school and on track to…

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement (Margarita Wagerson, OCC, Feb. 23, 2015) Oakland Community College’s nationally recognized “Man Up” program is off to another great start this year with 35 students enrolled this semester. OCC leaders crafted “Man Up” in 2011 with the goal of keeping young African American men in school and on track to…

Multiple Perspectives in Detroit Zoo Discussions (video)

Multiple Perspectives in Detroit Zoo Discussions (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 13, 2015) There are several balancing acts in play as the Detroit Zoo figures out how to provide the right blend of entertainment and fundraising with their mission of providing a good home to animals, and how to be good neighbors with the Royal…

Former Detroit Zoo Elephant Wanda Dies

Former Detroit Zoo Elephant Wanda Dies (Detroit Zoo Press Release, Feb. 12, 2015) A three-day journey from Michigan to California a decade ago marked the beginning of a new life for two Asian elephants and sparked an international conversation about how elephants are faring in captivity. Wanda and Winky – aging, arthritic elephants at the…