OC Restaurant Quest – Sushi and Thai Lake Orion
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
Examples may include a flooded basement, home damage from debris or flooded road.
44% of counties in Michigan still have at least one school district without a comprehensive tobacco-free school policy.
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and its supporting organizations provided combined grantmaking of more than $48 million during the second quarter to support nonprofit organizations and local governments.
This year, a total of $100,000 is available in 1-to-1 matching grants of up to $4,000. Apply by Friday, Aug. 18.
Oakland County’s emergency notification system, OakAlert, empowers residents to be aware of extreme incidents throughout the county, such as…
“Our young people and adults are struggling with addiction all over the world, and we’re not immune to that.”
“It only takes one bite from an infected mosquito to cause a severe illness, so we advise using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors during times when mosquitoes are active,”
There are also observation decks, and the bears may come below the decks to raise on their hind legs to beg for apple slices, which they try to catch in their mouths mid-air.
…they also wanted to improve safety with a wider circle of light on the sidewalks, with less light intruding upwards into neighboring apartments.
Oxford Township is proud to announce it has been awarded a $12,465 grant from the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan.
Nessel said. “I urge everyone who has Medicaid to submit their renewal forms by the deadline to determine eligibility and maintain this critical benefit.”
For the year, Oakland County’s fatality rate remained about half of the state and national rates
The Health Division is working with state partners and fair management to contact trace and monitor exhibitors and fair staff who were exposed.
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County.
Oakland County Times has a growing list of parks, trails, family-friendly destinations and more in our area and beyond.
Oakland County Times is on a QUEST to enjoy every local restaurant in Oakland County. This long-term project is a labor of love, supported by our friends at White Castle.
The FBI calls it “Juice Jacking,” a cyber-theft tactic that can occur whenever an electronic device is plugged into a public charging station like those found in airports or hotel lobbies.
Why are more municipalities looking at the potential for Accessory Dwelling Units as part of the solution to nationwide housing shortages?
Oakland County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan will address a range of natural hazards from flooding and severe weather to active assailants to infrastructure failures.