Walled Lake School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry

Walled Lake School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 27, 2016) Walled Lake, MI – As they see the images of children in Flint lined up to get bottled water or crying over blood tests, people around the country have been wondering about the safety of the water they and their…

West Bloomfield School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry

West Bloomfield School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 27, 2016) West Bloomfield, MI – As they see the images of children in Flint lined up to get bottled water or crying over blood tests, people around the country have been wondering about the safety of the water they and their…

LGBT Community Considers 2016 Ballot Initiative (video)

LGBT Community Considers 2016 Ballot Initiative (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 8, 2015) Ann Arbor, MI – In Michigan it is illegal to discriminate against people based on factors such as race, religion, age and disability. However, discrimination continues against people in the LGBT community because it is legal to do so. In Michigan people…

Clerk Launches Alert System for Property Owners to Help Prevent Fraud

Clerk Launches Alert System for Property Owners to Help Prevent Fraud (Oakland County Clerk Press Release, Nov. 7, 2015) Oakland County has launched its new Property Record Notification system to enhance its Super Index, simplifying property record searches and allowing activity notifications for residents, professionals and law enforcement. “We’ve taken our Super Index, a property…

2015 Election Results

2015 Election Results (oc115 Staff, Nov. 3, 2015) Election Results will be updated as they become available.  The results listed below come from the Oakland County Clerk’s Office, and are unofficial until verified.  For more detailed info on any of the races go to the Oakland County Clerk’s Election page at https://www.oakgov.com/clerkrod/elections. Auburn Hills In…

Election Day! Share Your Stickers and Poll Worker Pictures!

Election Day! Share Your Stickers and Poll Worker Pictures! (Compiled, with much thanks to Cheryl Weiss, Nov. 3, 2015) Election Day is one of our favorite holidays!  Let’s spread the Election Day spirit by sharing pictures of poll workers and folks with “I voted” stickers. For the best oc115 Election Stories go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/2015/11/02/2015-election-stories/. Check…