Upcoming League of Women Voter’s Forums…

Upcoming League of Women Voter’s Forums in Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, Farmington Hills and more (C. Proxmire, Sept. 29, 2013) Local elections are coming up November 5, and the League of Women Voters is hosting candidate forums in several communities through Oakland County. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed…

Boys and Girls Club Opens Kulick Center Location

Boys and Girls Club Opens Kulick Center Location (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 25, 2013)   Starting Oct. 7, the Kulick Community Center will be the new home of the Boys and Girls Club.  Since 2009 the center has hosted a drop-in teen center in conjunction with the club, a program that sees 20-25 students a…

Ferndale School Board President Gives Letter on Fights at Digital Learning Center

Ferndale School Board President Gives Letter on Fights at Digital Learning Center (Sept. 24, 2013) Following two fights at the Digital Learning Center, Ferndale School Board President Jim O’Donnell released the following letter.  To read the police report about the fights, go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/ferndale-police-report-six-arrests-and-one-broken-leg-after-fights-at-dlc/. A Letter to the Community from Ferndale Public Schools Board of…

Ferndale Police Report: Six Arrests and One Broken Leg After Fights at DLC

Ferndale Police Report: Six Arrests and One Broken Leg After Fights at DLC (Lt. William Wilson, Ferndale Police Dept, Sept. 20, 2013) On 09/19/13, a total of six students were arrested at Taft Digital Learning Center for fighting with other students, school staff, and police officers. The school Administrative Staff member suffered a broken lower…

Stranger Danger: Man Tries to Lure Student into Car on Pinecrest

Stranger Danger: Man Tries to Lure Student into Car on Pinecrest (Ferndale Schools, Sept. 18,2013) On the morning of September 17, 2013, an FHS student reported being followed by a large white four-door car (possibly a Crown Victoria) by a white man in his 50s wearing a dark blue shirt. He had gray hair and…

Investigation Into Possible Voter Fraud in Marijuana Petition

Investigation Into Possible Voter Fraud in Marijuana Petition (City of Ferndale Press Release, Sept. 17, 2013) The Ferndale City Clerk has prompted an investigation into possible voter registration fraud involving Andrew Cissell. Mr. Cissell submitted a voter registration application at an SOS branch office on June 10, 2013 listing his residence as 921 W. Drayton…

Where’s Your Square: Ferndale Chamber’s Mural Project

Where’s Your Square: Ferndale Chamber’s Mural Project (Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce Press Release, Sept. 17, 2013) To enrich Ferndale’s culture and quality of life, and positively impact economic development in the city, the Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce has commissioned local artist Howard Fridson to paint an 8′ X 20′ mural on the side…

Marijuana Ordinance Petitioner Arrested on Drug Charges

Marijuana Ordinance Petitioner Arrested on Drug Charges (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 14, 2013) Andrew Cissell, the main person responsible for putting marijuana decriminalization on the ballot for the November 5 election, has been arrested and charged with several drug-related felonies following an Oakland Narcotics Enforcement Team sting operation. According to Undersheriff Mike McCabe of the…

Oakland County Takes Action to Prevent Suicide

Oakland County Takes Action to Prevent Suicide (Oakland Co. Press Release, Sept. 7, 2013) The Oakland County Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force is launching a year-long prevention and awareness campaign during National Suicide Prevention Week, Sept. 8-14. It will include messages on billboards and buses about what signs to look for to prevent suicide and…

Abortion-Related Resolution Riles County Commission

Abortion-Related Resolution Riles County Commission (Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 30, 2013) Right to Life Michigan, Mother and Unborn Baby Care, Save the One and Personhood USA were on hand for Thursday’s Oakland County Commission meeting where Republican Commissioners Christine Long and Jim Runstead introduced a “respect life” resolution. Democrat Mattie Hatchet also requested to be…

Medicaid Expansion Passes Senate

Medicaid Expansion Passes Senate (C. Proxmire, Aug. 28, 2013) After a bunch of partisan back-and-forth, made more complex by disagreements within the Republican Party, the state Senate approved expanding Medicaid to cover a larger group of low-income residents. A similar bill passed the House earlier this year, and the next step is for the House…

Study Shows Results for Mental Health Court

Study Shows Results for Mental Health Court (Michigan Supreme Court Press Release, Aug. 23, 2013) A three-year evaluation of 10 Michigan mental health courts finds that participants re-offend at significantly lower levels than comparable groups of offenders who do not participate in the mental health courts. The evaluation, which was conducted by the State Court…

Retiring Pleasant Ridge City Manager Sherry Ball Shares Memories (video)

Retiring Pleasant Ridge City Manager Sherry Ball Shares Memories (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, July 24, 2013) After 26 years of service to the people of Pleasant Ridge, Sherry Ball is ready to say farewell, and get busy spending more time with her grand-kids. For the past 15 years she’s been the City Manager of the…

Flood Destroys Donations for Massive School Supply Nonprofit

Flood Destroys Donations for Massive School Supply Nonprofit (Crystal A. Proxmire, July 10, 2013) When volunteers arrived at the Operation Kid Equip. headquarters in Clinton Township on Wednesday, they expected to begin sorting the massive amounts of items for their various statewide programs that equip low income students with pens, paper, crayons, backpacks, books and…

SEOC Cautions “Parents Who Host Lose the Most”

SEOC Cautions “Parents Who Host Lose the Most” (C. Proxmire, July 7, 2013) “Parents who host lose the most.” That is the message sent home by the South East Oakland Coalition in their push to curb underage drinking and drug use at parent-sanctioned parties over the summer. According to Carly Podzikowski, the Director for the…

Fireworks Safety, Code and Consequences

Fireworks Safety, Code and Consequences (C. Proxmire, July 4, 2013) Fireworks season is in full effect as communities throughout Michigan struggle to find the balance between fun, safety, tranquility, and economy. Cites have been scrambling to keep up with new provisions of state law regarding fireworks usage. Previously local governments had more say in their…