Ferndale Marching Band Takes First in State Competition

Ferndale Marching Band Takes First in State Competition (C. Proxmire, Nov. 7, 2015) Ferndale’s Marching Band carried on their tradition of excellence Saturday by taking first place in the fourth flight of the State Marching Band Competition.  Under the leadership of Elon Jamison, they scored 93.15. Prior to the competition, Jamison shared his sentiments on…

Clerk Launches Alert System for Property Owners to Help Prevent Fraud

Clerk Launches Alert System for Property Owners to Help Prevent Fraud (Oakland County Clerk Press Release, Nov. 7, 2015) Oakland County has launched its new Property Record Notification system to enhance its Super Index, simplifying property record searches and allowing activity notifications for residents, professionals and law enforcement. “We’ve taken our Super Index, a property…

Analysis of Voter Turnout in South Oakland County, 2015

Analysis of Voter Turnout in South Oakland County, 2015 (Guest View: Kurt Metzger, Mayor of Pleasant Ridge, Nov. 5, 2015) Now that the results are final and the celebrations are over, it is time to reflect on Tuesday’s election results across communities in southeast Oakland County. As one would expect in an off-year election, the…

2015 Election Results

2015 Election Results (oc115 Staff, Nov. 3, 2015) Election Results will be updated as they become available.  The results listed below come from the Oakland County Clerk’s Office, and are unofficial until verified.  For more detailed info on any of the races go to the Oakland County Clerk’s Election page at https://www.oakgov.com/clerkrod/elections. Auburn Hills In…

Election Day! Share Your Stickers and Poll Worker Pictures!

Election Day! Share Your Stickers and Poll Worker Pictures! (Compiled, with much thanks to Cheryl Weiss, Nov. 3, 2015) Election Day is one of our favorite holidays!  Let’s spread the Election Day spirit by sharing pictures of poll workers and folks with “I voted” stickers. For the best oc115 Election Stories go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/2015/11/02/2015-election-stories/. Check…

2015 Election Stories

2015 Election Stories (Compiled, Nov. 2, 2015) Nov. 3 is Election Day and several cities have local elections and ballot issues.  The Oakland County 115 News Hub does not endorse any candidates, and we respect everyone who puts themselves out there to take on the challenge of local governance.  This year we tried something new…

Amy Butters: Why I’m Voting Yes for Ferndale Schools Nov. 3

I’m voting Yes for Ferndale Schools on Nov. 3, and YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT WILL HAPPEN… Amy Butters: Why I’m Voting Yes for Ferndale Schools Nov. 3 (Guest View by Amy Butters, Ferndale Schools Trustee, Nov. 2, 2015) I’m voting Yes for Ferndale Schools on Nov. 3, and you won’t believe what will happen… 1.…

Ferndale Schools Superintendent Talks about 2015 Millage (video)

Ferndale Schools Superintendent Talks about 2015 Millage (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 17, 2015) On the Nov. 3, 2015 ballot voters in the Ferndale School District, which is part of Ferndale, part of Oak Park, and all of Royal Oak Township and Pleasant Ridge, will be faced with a millage question for the school district.…