Can You Top “Sir Salts-A-Lot”? MDOT Seek Plow Name Suggestions
Yes, Plowy McPlowface is on the list.
Yes, Plowy McPlowface is on the list.
The $15M development is a partnership between Lighthouse of Oakland County and Southwest Solutions.
New data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) show that 12,899 babies were born to residents of Oakland County in 2019.
In addition to frontline essential workers, there are over 217,000 residents age 65 and older eligible to receive the vaccine in Oakland County.
Taylor’s photos as well as scenes from other local photographers were included in the City of Southfield 2021 calendar.
If anyone has any information or observed anything around the time of this incident, they are asked to contact Oak Park Public Safety Investigative Bureau
Now more than ever, support for trauma related experiences is in high demand.
Oakland County is in the early stages of administering the COVID-19 vaccine but supply is limited.
Bank of America partners with a local nonprofit to provide paid internships to the Student Leaders who will also participate in a leadership summit and learn financial skills through Bank of America’s Better Money Habits.
The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for preserving park land and creating recreational, leisure and learning experiences for Oakland County residents.
Last night, incoming members of the 2021-2022 Oakland County Board of Commissioners were sworn in during the first full board meeting of the new term.
She spoke with Oakland County Times about what’s happened in those 18 years, what advice she has for the next Commissioner, and where she’ll be focusing her energy next.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed the bipartisan relief bill that the Michigan legislature passed after she urged them to provide support for Michigan families, frontline workers, and small businesses.
The grant parameters allowed the District to create a comprehensive District-wide initiative to update the signage at all buildings.
On Thursday they announced the awarding of two grants totaling $5,500.
Whitehead was chosen from five finalists, and will be sworn in on Jan 4 with a term ending in Nov. 2021.
Oakland County received 1,950 doses in its first shipment of the two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
This increase is even more alarming as it is likely an underestimate of the actual burden of disease due to decreased testing for STDs during the pandemic.
See how residents are brightening their neighborhoods. Be sure to check out the City of Oak Park Holiday Decoration Map for locations.
The winning piece was a digital collage created by 8th grader Julia Markle called “Neon Thoughts.”