DNC Chair, Michigan Dems Rally For LGBT Equality (video)

DNC Chair, Michigan Dems Rally For LGBT Equality (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Between the Lines, Dec. 18, 2013) As Republicans continue to condone the hateful, anti-gay comments of their Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, Democrats brought out the big guns for a community forum at Affirmations featuring Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “In…

Deadlines For CDL Drivers… Fast Approaching

Deadlines For CDL Drivers And Their Medical Providers Fast Approaching (Michigan Secretary of State Press Release, Dec. 12, 2013) Secretary of State Ruth Johnson strongly encourages Michigan residents with a Commercial Driver License (CDL) to self-certify to which type of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operation they perform to avoid losing CDL privileges after Jan. 30.…

How Michigan Funds Schools

How Michigan Funds Schools (Kevin Deegan-Krause, orig. Ferndale Friends/ KevinDeeganKrauseForFerndaleSchools.com, Dec. 10, 2013) Please put away your notes and let’s begin our discussion of school funding with a high-stakes multiple choice test: 1. Does Michigan fund schools from:                         A. Local sources         B. Federal sources C. State sources 2. Does the revenue come from:                                  …

SEMCOG Approves I-94, I-75, US-23 Amendment to Expand

SEMCOG Approves I-94, I-75, US-23 Amendment to Expand (David Sands, SEMCOG, Dec.7, 2013, orig. http://wearemodeshift.org/node/1055) Although plans to widen the I-94 and I-75 expressways have been generating a bit of a buzz this week, dissenting voices seemed to have little sway over the bulk of the Southeast Michigan Council of Government’s Executive Committee. At a Friday meeting, the…

Reckless Driving: MDOT’s Lead Foot on Freeway Projects

Guest Column: Reckless Driving: MDOT’s Lead Foot on Freeway Projects (Richard Murphy, Michigan Suburbs Alliance, December 4, 2013) The public appeals to delegates entering SEMCOG’s June meeting. The sign in back, “No new gas tax, Snyder — We don’t need our freeways wider,” demonstrates our trust problem. Over the past few years, Governor Snyder’s Lansing…

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption Deadline Nears

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption Deadline Nears (Oakland County Press Release, Nov. 28, 2013) Counselors in Oakland County’s Veterans’ Services Division are ready to help totally disabled veterans meet the Dec. 5 deadline to retroactively claim their homestead property tax exemption for 2013. Under a new Michigan law, Public Act 161 of 2013, totally disabled…

Madison Heights Police Sued in Death of Transgender Woman

Madison Heights Police Sued in Death of Transgender Woman (Crystal A. Proxmire, Between the Lines, Nov. 27, 2013) The October 2011 death and dismemberment of 19 year-old Shelly Hilliard (Moore) sent shock waves through the community and has reappeared in media reports this week, as Detroit investigates another brutal murder of a transgender individual that…

Cogen Lipton Shares EAA Concerns, Education Alternatives (video)

Ellen Cogen Lipton Shares EAA Concerns,  Education Alternatives (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 21, 2013) As Democratic Vice Chair of the Education Committee of the Michigan House of Representatives, Ellen Cogen Lipton saw first-hand the way The Michigan Education Achievement Authority has taken shape.  Beyond that, she has looked into the results of having the…

New Testing Standard for Teachers Announced

New Testing Standard for Teachers Announced (Michigan Dept. of Education Press Release, Nov. 15, 2013) Better prepared and effective teachers will be available for Michigan students with the advent of a more rigorous teacher certification exam this year. “We want the best and brightest teachers in Michigan classrooms,” said State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. “Increasing the…

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery (C. Proxmire, Nov. 12, 2013) An investigation is under way at Birmingham Seaholm after an early morning robbery.  According to The Detroit Free Press, a maintenance man was robbed at gunpoint while entering the school at approximately 4:50am. According to the report, the robber fired a…

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery (C. Proxmire, Nov. 12, 2013) An investigation is under way at Birmingham Seaholm after an early morning robbery.  According to The Detroit Free Press, a maintenance man was robbed at gunpoint while entering the school at approximately 4:50am. According to the report, the robber fired a…

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery (C. Proxmire, Nov. 12, 2013) An investigation is under way at Birmingham Seaholm after an early morning robbery.  According to The Detroit Free Press, a maintenance man was robbed at gunpoint while entering the school at approximately 4:50am. According to the report, the robber fired a…

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery

Birmingham Seaholm High Closed After Shots Fired in Robbery (C. Proxmire, Nov. 12, 2013) An investigation is under way at Birmingham Seaholm after an early morning robbery.  According to The Detroit Free Press, a maintenance man was robbed at gunpoint while entering the school at approximately 4:50am. According to the report, the robber fired a…