Michigan Laws Pertaining to Bicyclists

Michigan Laws Pertaining to Bicyclists (John Lindenmayer, Executive Director League of Michigan Bicyclists, Oct 1, 2015) The following is a summary of the Michigan Compiled Law (MCL), Motor Vehicle Code (MVC) and Administrative Rules pertaining to bicyclists. Local ordinances may not supersede the MVC, MCL or Administrative Rules unless explicitly specified in statute. For more…

…2014 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan

SEMCOG releases statistics on 2014 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan (SEMCOG Press Release, Sept. 21, 2015) There were 5,557 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan in 2014, according to figures released by SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, based on crash data received from the Michigan Department of State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. “For…

Car Count Grows as Police Continue to Assess Damage by Five Vandals

Car Count Grows as Police Continue to Assess Damage by Five Vandals (Lt. William Wilson, Ferndale Police, Sept. 9, 205) Many are calling for the status of our investigation of MDOP to autos that occurred Sunday morning. Once the investigations are completed, the cases will be presented to prosecutors for review and determination of what…

Local Food Love: Reader Review Casa Real, Madison Heights

Local Food Love: Reader Review Casa Real, Madison Heights (Guest View by Holly Kirshman, Sept.1, 2015) I just got done visiting Casa Real on Dequindre between 13 and 14 Mile in Madison Heights. They have recently opened where Juan’s use to be. It’s absolutely festive inside! They always have specials on the board when you…

Red Oaks Hosting Dog Swim at the Water Park Sept. 13

Red Oaks Hosting Dog Swim at the Water Park Sept. 13 (event listing) Location Red Oaks Waterpark Start Time 9/13/2015 12:00 PM End Time 9/13/2015 4:55 PM Category Dog Programs Description Oakland County Parks and Recreation celebrates the close of the waterpark season with the 11th annual Dog Swim at Red Oaks Waterpark. The dogs-only…

For First Time Ever, Every Retailer Passed Tobacco Sales Tests

For First Time Ever, Every Retailer Passed Tobacco Sales Tests (Oakland County Health Division Press Release, Aug. 24, 2015) For the first time ever, Oakland County retailers did not sell any tobacco products to youth during recent undercover inspections, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. The Oakland County Health Division conducted the annual inspection…

Rochester Rotary Gives Service Dog to Veteran with PTSD

Rochester Rotary Gives Service Dog to Veteran with PTSD (Rochester Rotary, Aug. 12, 2015) Rochester Rotary, a member club of Rotary International, a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service and encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, is pleased to announce it has matched an Oakland County veteran with a…

Meet Peyton Meyer of “Girl Meets World” at Oakland Mall Aug. 22

Meet Peyton Meyer of “Girl Meets World” at Oakland Mall Aug. 22 (event listing) PEYTON MEYER “Lucas” on Disney Channel’s “Girl Meets World” SATURDAY, AUGUST 22ND 12PM at Center Court MEET & GREET Meet your favorite Disney Channel star, Peyton Meyer, at Oakland Mall. This is a FREE event – no ticket required. Peyton will…

Election Results: HP Police Millage Passes, Losses in Pontiac and Madison School Districts

Election Results: HP Police Millage Passes, Losses in Pontiac and Madison School Districts (C. Proxmire, Aug. 4, 2015) Hazel Park Election results are in, with Hazel Park voters supporting police services with a 10-year 2.8 mil assessment. The millage will bring in about $431,000 and is the main source of funding for police services. This…