Photos from the 2016 Oakland County Fair

Photos from the 2016 Oakland County Fair (C. Proxmire, July 16, 2016) Davisburg, MI – The Oakland County Fair is not just a day of rides, shows and animals.  It’s actually a 9 day fair with many people camping at the fair itself for the whole experience.  Kids from all over Oakland County come to…

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish (Guest blog, Nkenge Burkhead, Prevention Education Specialist, HAVEN, July 1, 2016) People often ask, “How did you get involved in this work?” This is a question advocates working to end domestic and sexual violence have been asked countlessly. Their answers are often filled with personal experiences. Many advocates identify as both survivor…

West Bloomfield School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry

West Bloomfield School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 27, 2016) West Bloomfield, MI – As they see the images of children in Flint lined up to get bottled water or crying over blood tests, people around the country have been wondering about the safety of the water they and their…