Woodward and 696 Complete Streets Study to Begin

Woodward and 696 Complete Streets Study to Begin (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 23, 2014)   As transit plans develop along the Woodward Corridor, one particularly sticky area is the intersection of I-696 and Woodward. Here, where Pleasant Ridge, Huntington Woods and Royal Oak meet, there are over and underpasses, bus stops, and precarious crosswalks leading…

Woodward and 696 Complete Streets Study to Begin

Woodward and 696 Complete Streets Study to Begin (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 23, 2014)   As transit plans develop along the Woodward Corridor, one particularly sticky area is the intersection of I-696 and Woodward. Here, where Pleasant Ridge, Huntington Woods and Royal Oak meet, there are over and underpasses, bus stops, and precarious crosswalks leading…

Daddow to Represent Oakland County on Water Authority

Bob Daddow to Represent Oakland County on Great Lakes Water Authority (Oakland County Press Release, Oct. 18,2014) Deputy County Executive Robert J. Daddow will represent Oakland County’s water and sewer ratepayers on the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) board, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. Daddow, a certified public accountant, was part of the…

Ferndale School Board Candidates Forum Oct. 25

Ferndale School Board Candidates Forum Oct. 25 (CFF Press Release, Oct. 10, 2014) Citizens for a Fair Ferndale is hosting a candidate forum for Ferndale School Board Trustee Candidates on Oct. 25 from 1:30pm to 3pm at the Ferndale Public Library  The forum is open to the public. Former School Board Trustee Keith Warnick is…

Area TimeBanks Hosting Auction Event in Royal Oak Oct. 18

Area TimeBanks Hosting Auction Event in Royal Oak Oct. 18 (Compiled, Oct. 8, 2014) Live & Silent AUCTION 1ST Ever “Bidding to Build our Communities” Auction Saturday, October 18 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Royal Oak Woman’s Club, 404 S. Pleasant, Royal Oak Light refreshments, entertainment, door prizes, free parking $10 in advance / $15…

Area TimeBanks Hosting Auction Event in Royal Oak Oct. 18

Area TimeBanks Hosting Auction Event in Royal Oak Oct. 18 (Compiled, Oct. 8, 2014) Live & Silent AUCTION 1ST Ever “Bidding to Build our Communities” Auction Saturday, October 18 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Royal Oak Woman’s Club, 404 S. Pleasant, Royal Oak Light refreshments, entertainment, door prizes, free parking $10 in advance / $15…

Red Cross Babysitter Training Class Oct. 11

Red Cross Babysitter Training Class Oct. 11 (Compiled, Oct 6, 2014). The American Red Cross will be at the Huntington Woods Recreation Center on Saturday, Oct. 11 to do their newly revised “Babysitters Rock” training course. The program is for youth aged 11-15.  It contains many hands-on activities, role plays, videos and discussions.  “Learn to…

Red Cross Babysitter Training Class Oct. 11

Red Cross Babysitter Training Class Oct. 11 (Compiled, Oct 6, 2014). The American Red Cross will be at the Huntington Woods Recreation Center on Saturday, Oct. 11 to do their newly revised “Babysitters Rock” training course. The program is for youth aged 11-15.  It contains many hands-on activities, role plays, videos and discussions.  “Learn to…

President Signs Disaster Declaration, FEMA Funding Available

President Signs Disaster Declaration, FEMA Funding Available (White House Press Release, Sept. 25, 2014) The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Michigan and ordered federal aid to supplement state, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the area affected by severe storms and flooding during the period of August 11-13, 2014.…

Royal Oak Waits on Waiving Permit Fees, Vote in October

Royal Oak Waits on Waiving Permit Fees, Vote in October (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 23, 2104) The Royal Oak City Commission has not yet decided if they will waive building permit fees for residents impacted by the Aug. 11 flooding. Clawson, Ferndale, Huntington Woods and Oak Park have given windows of opportunities for residents to…

August Trash Totals Are In, Claim Deadline Approaches

August Trash Totals Are In, Claim Deadline Approaches (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 20, 2014)  NOTE: An earlier version said Ferndale was the third highest in terms of trash.  This was an error and has been corrected. -cp SOCRRA (South Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority) has released the trash tally for the month of August, showing…

County Budget Passes w/Raises… Plus Two Amendments

County Budget Passes with Raises for All Employees, Plus Two Amendments (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 19, 2014) The Oakland County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a budget through 2017 which included a series of raises for all County employees, and a couple of last minute amendments. An easy bipartisan pass was an amendment to create…

Flood Follow Up…Push for Presidential Declaration of Disaster

Flood Follow Up: Most Michigan Members of Congress Push for Presidential Declaration of Disaster (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 19, 2014) With over a billion dollars’ worth of damage to Michigan communities in the wake of the Aug. 11, 2014 flood, Michigan’s elected officials are reaching out to Washington for help. Earlier this week Governor Rick…

Flood Follow Up…Push for Presidential Declaration of Disaster

Flood Follow Up: Most Michigan Members of Congress Push for Presidential Declaration of Disaster (Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 19, 2014) With over a billion dollars’ worth of damage to Michigan communities in the wake of the Aug. 11, 2014 flood, Michigan’s elected officials are reaching out to Washington for help. Earlier this week Governor Rick…