2020 Candidate Interview: Clarence Dass for 6th Circuit Court Judge
In the race for 6th Circuit Court Judge there are three candidates on the ballot plus one write-in, with no incumbents.
In the race for 6th Circuit Court Judge there are three candidates on the ballot plus one write-in, with no incumbents.
Each year Oakland County Times gives candidates for any office voted on in Oakland County the opportunity to do a video interview. We post new videos as we can right up until the election. So please check back often and be patient.
Governor Whitmer signed this executive order in response to rising COVID-19 cases in Michigan and across the country.
Artists may submit a video or 2-D artwork showcasing COVID-19 safety by wearing a facial mask or practicing social distancing
In the Republican Primary candidates are Derek Burton, Patrick Feeney, Steve Ruth, and Tim Terpening.
On the Republican side voters will chose between Tina Barton and Patrick Wilson.
The county Board of Commissioners approved a $5 million allocation from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act last week to fund the program. An additional $3.1 million comes from the federal community development block grants.
Veterans, politicians, kids’ groups, and decorated horses were among those who marched along Maple and Park Streets with a grand finale of police and fire vehicles.
In the race for Oakland County Clerk and Register of Deeds, incumbent Lisa Brown, a Democrat, is unopposed in the primary.
Along the Great Lakes, erosion and storms have undermined docks, decks, stairs and trees and washed the debris away from the shoreline. On inland lakes, high water can inundate marinas, yards or public property, making it difficult to see structures in the water.
In the race for Holly Township Treasurer, there are only candidates in the Republican Primary, with incumbent Township Treasurer Mark Freeman on the ballot, as well as challengers Dave Cruickshank and Richard Kinnamon.
n June, a Green Party Oakland County Caucus and the Party’s state convention nominated seven county residents as candidates for the November 3 election.
Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal infection caused by the Cyclospora parasite.
In the race for Holly Township Treasurer, there are only candidates in the Republican Primary.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
In the race for Oakland County Sheriff Incumbent Michael Bouchard, a Republican, is on the ballot, as is Democrat Vincent Gregory.
In the Aug. 4 Democratic Primary voters in Oakland County will chose between incumbent Jessica Cooper and challenger Karen McDonald for Oakland County Prosecutor.
The grants, which ranged from $4,000 to $500,000, will help the organizations restore vital services and programs for Oakland County residents such as food distribution, shelter, health care and financial assistance that were reduced or eliminated because of the pandemic.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.