Family Seeks Tips in Bicyclist’s Death, Funds for Funeral Expenses (video)

Family Seeks Tips in Bicyclist’s Death, Funds for Funeral Expenses (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 13, 2016) Ferndale, MI – The mother of 49-year-old Michael Proxmire spoke to the media on Monday about her son’s death.  Marie Winekoff of Royal Oak cried as she sat on camera with Ferndale Police Sgt. Baron Brown and asked…

Hazel Park Voters Consider Staggered Terms, More Signatures and School Sinking Fund

Hazel Park Voters Consider Staggered Terms, More Signatures and School Sinking Fund (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 30, 2016) Hazel Park, MI – Voters in Hazel Park face ballot proposals that will change a couple of aspects of local governance, and voters in the Hazel Park School District will be voting on a bond proposal for…

Several Cities Showcase One Stop Ready Properties in Oakland County

Several Cities Showcase One Stop Ready Properties in Oakland County (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 21, 2016) Waterford, MI – “Developers know what cities are good to work with.  You make someone wait on a permit or an inspection, and the developer may not come back.  You get a bad reputation and that spreads to others…