…Grants Awarded…Oak Park, Auburn Hills & Ferndale Included

State Training Fund Grants Awarded: Businesses in Oak Park, Auburn Hills & Ferndale Included (Adapted from Oakland County Press Release, Dec 8, 2014) Thirteen Oakland County companies received almost $700,000 from the state’s Skilled Trades Training Fund, enabling them to hire nearly 1,300 new employees while upgrading the skills of more than 700 current employees.…

…Ellen Cogen Lipton Honors Sister & Public Education… (video)

State Rep. Ellen Cogen Lipton Honors Sister and Public Education in Farewell Speech (video) (C. Proxmire, Dec. 7, 2014) (scroll to bottom for video) At the end of three terms in the House of Representatives, Ellen Cogen Lipton of Huntington Woods said farewell with a sentimental speech honoring her sister and touting the importance of…

Crafters Gather for 2014 Holiday Showplace in Ferndale

Crafters Gather for 2014 Holiday Showplace in Ferndale (C. Proxmire, Dec. 6, 2014)   The Kulick Community Center in Ferndale was packed with holiday cheer and fun craft items for the 2014 Holiday Showplace. The annual event raises money for Ferndale Recreation while giving people an opportunity to share their creativity with potential customers. Among…

Birmingham Man Admits “Tagging” in Downtown Ferndale

Birmingham Man Admits “Tagging” in Downtown Ferndale (Ferndale Police Report, Dec. 4, 2014) GRAFFITI DAMAGE: On 12/03/14 at about 1:30 in the morning, Ferndale police responded to Sneakers Bar on Woodward after receiving information that a man had spray painted graffiti on buildings, dumpsters, and a truck. A person witnessed the vandal after he did…

Man Charged with Making False Report of Armed Robbery in Ferndale

Man Charged with Making False Report of Armed Robbery in Ferndale (Ferndale Police Report, Dec. 4, 2014) FALSE REPORT OF ARMED ROBBERY On 11/28/14 (Friday morning after Thanksgiving), Ferndale Police responded to a report of an armed robbery involving a gun. Officers met with a man (Marc COX) in Hazel Park on Goulson near the…

Ellen Cogen Lipton’s Final Coffee Hour as State Rep Dec. 9

Ellen Cogen Lipton’s Final Coffee Hour as State Rep Dec. 9 (Press Release, Dec. 2, 2014) State Representative Ellen Cogen Lipton (D-Huntington Woods) invites residents to attend her upcoming and final coffee hour to discuss state and community issues, including proposals to fund road repairs and other matters expected to come up in the Legislature…

SOCRRA Accepting Styrofoam at Drop Off Center

SOCRRA Accepting Styrofoam at Drop Off Center (Compiled, Nov. 30, 2014) SOCRRA [Southeast Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority] is now accepting Styrofoam at their Drop-Off Center in Troy, starting December 1. You can now drop off the following items: Cups and takeout containers Egg cartons Rinsed meat trays Food trays/lunch trays (No Styrofoam peanuts) All…

Downtown Ferndale Businesses Set for Small Business Saturday

  Downtown Ferndale Businesses Set for Small Business Saturday (C. Proxmire, Nov. 29, 2014) Modern Natural Baby owner Emily Murray calls Small Business Saturday “the busiest day of the year.”  But of course she and her staff are ready to sell the eco-friendly kids toys, bibs, cloth diapers, and other baby-raising accessories that make great…

Downtown Ferndale Businesses Set for Small Business Saturday

  Downtown Ferndale Businesses Set for Small Business Saturday (C. Proxmire, Nov. 29, 2014) Modern Natural Baby owner Emily Murray calls Small Business Saturday “the busiest day of the year.”  But of course she and her staff are ready to sell the eco-friendly kids toys, bibs, cloth diapers, and other baby-raising accessories that make great…

2014 Royal Oak Holiday Magic Parade (video)

2014 Royal Oak Holiday Magic Parade (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 28, 2014) Royal Oak kicked off the holiday season with the 13th Annual Holiday Magic Parade.  The event brought several communities together, with marching bands from Detroit, Ecorse, Ferndale and Royal Oak.  Dozens of groups and businesses took part as well, including guests of…

Happy Thanksgiving from Grant School 2014 (video)

Happy Thanksgiving from Grant School 2014 (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Nov. 27, 2014) At Grant School in Ferndale there is a Thanksgiving tradition of a shared meal and a performance by the little ones.  The three and four year old preschoolers sang a turkey-themed song before joining their proud parents for a feast of turkey,…