MDOT Shares View of Plaza Reconstruction Over 696 in Oak Park

MDOT Shares View of Plaza Reconstruction Over 696 in Oak Park (C. Proxmire, May 26, 2016) Oak Park, MI – As the rebuilding of a plaza and community park goes on above, cars zoom along underneath on I-696 without most drivers realizing that a large project is happening over them.  MDOT is redoing the plaza…

Ferndale Recreation Seeking Class Instructors

Ferndale Recreation Seeking Class Instructors (City of Ferndale, May 24, 2016) FERNDALE, MI – The Ferndale Recreation Department is currently seeking  instructors to bring their expertise to the Ferndale community by teaching a class. Instructor are needed for Fitness, Arts & Crafts, Music Education, Health, Technology, Enrichment, and Community. Ferndale Recreation is dedicated to improving…

Ingredients for Life Speech by Garden Fresh Founder Jack Aronson

Ingredients for Life Speech by Garden Fresh Founder Jack Aronson (Jack Aronson, Guest View/Commencement Speech at Oakland Community College May 21, 2016) Auburn Hills, MI – Tomatoes, artichoke hearts, garlic, onions, bell peppers, jalapeños, cilantro, vinegar, lime juice and salt. Sounds good – I know – but you’ve got to wonder why I begin this…

Suspected Bike Thief Arrested Thanks to Informed Citizens

Suspected Bike Thief Arrested Thanks to Informed Citizens (Ferndale Police, May 11, 2016) Ferndale, MI – The suspected bicycle thief shown yesterday on multiple media outlets including oc115 has been identified and arrested according to Ferndale Police Lt. William Wilson. Wilson wrote in a press release : “The media broadcast of this thief proved effective…

Artists Showcase Work in Downtown Ferndale Art Walk & Roll

Artists Showcase Their Work in Downtown Ferndale Art Walk and Roll (Crystal A. Proxmire, May 7, 2016) Ferndale, MI – Thursday evening guests to Downtown Ferndale saw more than the sunny weather, eclectic shops and unique restaurants.  Thanks to the Ferndale Arts and Cultural Commission there was a bonus amount of art, including live demonstrations.…

Reporter Food: Wedge Salad & Texas Burnt Ends from Rosie O’Grady’s

Reporter Food:  Wedge Salad and Texas Burnt Ends from Rosie O’Grady’s (Crystal A. Proxmire, May 7, 2016) Ferndale, MI – Rosie O’Grady’s is pretty great.  They are part of the Kramer Restaurant Group, who recently came on as an advertising sponsor of oc115. This means I get to enjoy Rosies, One-Eyed Betty’s, Pop’s for Italian,…

Students See County Government First Hand at Youth Day

Students See County Government First Hand at Youth Day (Crystal A. Proxmire, April 29, 2016) Pontiac, MI – It’s a safe bet to say that most adults have never attended a meeting of County Commissioners or gotten an up close and personal lesson in civics from a team of elected officials. But that is what…